Yuri and Comp Worry (December 11, 2023)

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I woke up at 6:45 AM from my alarms.

Day 4, first was a math double. We continued with sin cos tan cosec sec and cotan, and simplifying expressions and finding the non permitted values!

Next was English, Ms C was back which was good to see ^^ We continued watching Pride and Prejudice

For sports medicine, we did some theory about cardiovascular health and cellular respiration, which I already know about from bio xD But then we did a biking thing where we measured our pulse while pedaling with 0 resistance, then going to our max resistance and seeing what our pulse became after

Then in physics, we talked about pendulums and stuff

When I got home, I streamed for 2 hours and 1 minute, having a good time actually! I really tried to be expressly positive, because I honestly think that a little positivity in someone's day can make them feel better, and in turn they might act more positively to others and let the positivity spread worldwide ^^ Maybe it's too grandiose of an idea, but I like to think it's true :3 Nothing too note-worthy for the stream though, I raided AmyKitsuCubing.

After supper, Sats and I got on a call and started watching Yuri On Ice!!! I've never watched an anime before, and it's a bit tricky for me to catch up with the captions and visuals without the spoken language being English or French xD but I like it ^^ Near the end of the call though, Satsat was saying I'm gonna just forget about xem and leave xem for the whole weekend since I have a comp. But I won't, it happened the once and it's really hard for me to text during comps, but it's not gonna happen again. Obviously I wish I could go back to that one comp and change that, but I can't, but I know that I'll have xirs trust after enough times 💙💙💙 I'm sorry my love 💙💙

It is now 12:55 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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