Crazy Farkle Roll (March 1, 2024)

4 1 11

I woke up at 6:45 AM from my alarms.

Day 4, first was a French double. I had to redo the whole book quiz, but I think I answered alright. On Monday we'll have to write an essay >:(

Next was socials, we had some time for the dissertation. M. F answered my email and allowed my extension of the dissertation to Monday.

Then in the math double, we did the other part of the chapter 0 test. Calculus is great, the tests are open-book, the questions are the homework numbers that there aren't the answers to in the back. We can go back and look at the explanations for the stuff x3 I think I did good!

When I got home, I streamed for 2 hours and 32 minutes, I had a rather good time! Nothing worthy of note, I switched to gd after for probably 2 hours. We did multi-player again, and I beat Problematic and Common S3nse (my first memory level ig x3)! There was also a really cool level that I started but it's a bit tough, I wanna go for it as my next demon :0

For supper, we had Twisted Indian Street Fusion Food? It was really good though :0 We also played Farkle, and for the first time since we've been playing at supper for the past few weeks, I won!! And the way how, was with a role of ALL SIX DICE LANDING ON 1S, I GOT ALL 1S WHICH IS THE FIRST TIME I'VE EVER SEEN THAT HAPPEN AND IT GOT ME 12 360 POINTS WHICH IS THE MOST IN A TURN I'VE SEEN- IT WAS CRAZY X3

After supper, we watched a movie, called Pink Panther's Son or something, which I don't know what it has to do with pink panther, but it was odd x3 It's meant to be old dumb comedy, and it really felt dated and confusing xD

Afterwards, I worked on the dissertation some more, Eli encouraged me to do so ^^ I finished the body paragraphs and will have to do intro and conclusion.

Then we talked for just a bit!! I've missed xem a lot and I wanna cuddle with my boy so hecking much 😭😭😽😽😽💙

It is now 3:31 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

My Day-To-Day Life (4)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang