IHIS NEAR 5bld Successes (December 16, 2023)

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I woke up at 8:00 AM from my alarm.

We went down to breakfast, then to the comp venue.

For multi I tried 10, thanks to Niels' box of extra cubes, but I went over an hour with only 4 right at the time. The second attempt I tried 8, and for 4 right (two corner twists on one, two edge flips on another, and U had forgotten the other 2)

For FMC I DNF'd the first one, I thought I had a commutstor properly done with 5 mins left, but I did the interchange move the wrong way, and couldn't write out the right solution and ran out of time 😭 The second one was pretty good though, I got a 34!

Then 5BLD, oh my lord- the first one I felt really confident, turned out only 2 x-centers off. The second one was really frustrating because I had everything right up to the corners, when I got there I just forgot them entirely 😭 so that was off by 4 corners, and the third one was off by just 2 corner twists somehow?? I was confident in that one too but oh well, I already have a 5BLD on my profile so hopefully I can get 4BLD.

Also the whole time for the BLD solving, Danny was right in front of me, and was saying his memo out loud, and it was quite distracting for me and others- I'll tell him tomorrow if he doesn't know xD

Then Dad and I went to home depot to get earmuffs instead of earplugs, which is nice! Then we got subway and chilled on the hotel room the rest of the night.

I talked with Sats as much as I could, and xe's not doing well unfortunately :< my poor sick enboy, I wish I had the ability to make you feel better instantly 💙💙💙 I love you so much more than words could define properly 💙 you mean the world to me! ^^ 😽😽💙💙💙

It is now 12:27 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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