Xavage Adventure (December 29, 2023)

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I woke up at 7:30 AM from my alarm.

We got ready and ate breakfast, then Dad, X, T and I waited at the lobby for the van to bring us to the Xavage park.

When we got there, the first thing we did was the monkey climbing mid-air obstacle course. There were 4 levels, the lowest besing 24 feet off the ground and the highest being 126 feet off the ground. Dad, T and I went for level 2, while X went on level 4. We were fitted with harnesses and 2 clamp things that connect to a rope at all times. At first it was fine, but after a few of the obstscles, my arms got really tired from holding the rope (which I don't think is how the course is meant to be completed anyway- x3) and I didn't really enjoy it- There was one part with a kayak as part of an obstacle course, and when I stepped on the end of it, it sort of swung down there, which scared me and caused me to hit my glasses almost making them fall off- We spent some time waiting for others since there could only be 4 people on each obstacle course at a time, I think the whole thing took us about 1.5 hours maybe? Too long x3

The next thing we did was zipline, which was quite short. They put on a harness for you and attach you to a track basically, and you're like on your stomach flying about x3 It was pretty good!

Then we went to the monster trucks place, which was crazy- X and T went twice, taking turns being driver and passenger, while I was the passenger to Dad. You get in this rinky dinky vehicle with huge tires and follow a path, which has obstacles and hills. It was rough, the vehicle sort of bouncing about and all x3 I think it was fun though, and probably more fun to drive but yah ^^

Then we went to white water rafting, which was maybe my favourite activity! We had a really enthusiastic guide with us, and we named our team "guava" x3 We started by going through a little waterfall thing to get us all wet and ready for the ride, paddling along with the guide's callouts. We went down a few little falls, which splashed water everywhere and made us nearly fall out, but we all managed to stay in the boat xD It was fun!

Then X went to the rope obstacle course again, and we were waiting for him and nearly missed the bus back to the resort xD

When we got back, Mom was upset with Dad that we didn't get the digital photo package, but we said we didn't want them- All along each activity there were cameras that took your photos but it costs like 200$-

Then we ate at the Italian restaurant again, I had lasagna and it was good!

Afterwards, we saw the show, which was just dancing along to pop songs. It was a little boring but I sat through it, I think it's still impressive the moves they were doing, especially this one dude that did every movement really fluidly and like, purpose-drivenly x3

Then we went back and I talked with Sats for a bit :3 We had a good timeeee ^^ I love that enboy so damn much, xe's the best thing in my life >:3 mwah! 😽😽😽💙

It is now 1:15 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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