Danny's Loud Memo (April 6, 2024)

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I woke up around 12:00 PM to work on the video a lil ^^

I streamed for 5 hours and 48 minutes, having a pretty good time! Reacting to some things, critiquing other things, and Disvand got me to look at Tommy's 7 simul tutorial! I'll definitely needa practice it, but it actually doesn't seem all that difficult ^^ cabbage also got mad about not being able to race, and mentioned that stringrays is now on their kill list- so uh, I hope they're alright- I raided someone in chess.

After supper, I showered then talked to my lovely Ells!!! I upgraded my Miku card in pjsk :0 and we talked about xirs dad D: I also messaged a bit in the pookie server and I think I scared Elliott 😭 sorry hun ^^' Xirs spoons ran out so xe went to sleep! Xe came back for a bit but fell asleep again, but that's totally fine!! Don't you worry about it :3 I was just editing more anyway ^^ I love you bubs 💙💙😽😽😽

I also asked Danny if it was okay for me to include the thing about his memo being out loud, and he was fine with it, so that's good x3

It is now 3:09 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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