Mega Solving (February 22, 2024)

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I woke up at 2:05 PM somehow xD I was having a strange dream in which I think I was an audience member of a comedy show? I remember someone was on a stage or just was the center of attention, and at one point I had put a hotdog in my shirt collar to get the comedian's attention lmao But then I guess it was also a competition venue, because I was soon thereafter going into an official 5BLD attempt xD but I woke up before I could finish.

I did more mega solves and learned corner orientation algs, I think I need just a little more practice and I'll be good! I don't know about corner permutation algs though, I think there are 15 of them, but those will have to wait lol

I talked with my lovely Maxie/Elliott for some time! ^^

Then I streamed for 2 hours and 1 minute, I had a pretty good time! I just solved and did another BLD attempt with Orozco, but I memorized wrong- xD I raided rapidcuber.

After supper, I solved more mega until Maxie woke up! I've already gotten my times down to about 1:25 and hopefully I can get that even further down before the comp ^^

Bur then Elliott and I talked :3 it was a really good time!! Talking about our future house and life together, and some laws x3 I love xem so much though, xe's so sweet and always makes sure that I'm comfortable and okay 🥺💙💙

It is now 3:15 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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