French Restaurant & Showing Cube (December 30, 2023)

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Dad knocked at our door at about 7:51 AM which woke me up, then I went back to bed until about 8:22 AM.

I got ready and we went to breakfast, but T and X didn't come because they slept in.

I saw that Ms C updated everything in PowerSchool, so not only did I get 100% on that previous assignment I talked about 2 days ago, I also have 100% FOR THE WHOLE COURSE!! There's still the diplomas to do of course but holy cow- I did not think I would do this well- :0 Like even if I got 0 on the diplomas, I would still have 70% x3

It was relatively cold out (still like above 20 degrees but it was chilly for shorts and t shirt x3). We played crazy 8s for some time.

Then we had lunch, and the guy serving us brought out some interesting drinks and one of them he wouldn't reveal what was in it until we left x3 They were alcoholic though so I didn't have any ^^

Grandma gave money for Z to buy a bracelet yesterday and was gonna do the same for the rest of us kids, but the bracelet prices went up? So we didn't end up getting any, which was a lil disappointing because I saw one I liked, but das okie :3

Then we went to the pool for a while, nobody went in because it was cold, but T and I invented a fun and dumb game xD It's similar to soccer, but we used the water ball and had to get it in the cup holders of the built-in pool chairs, and we could only use our feet x3 We were against each other, and every time the ball went into the correct hole it was a point for one player, and every time someone made the ball go out of bounds and into the water, you subtract a point! I ended up with like -6 points and T with -7 or something x3

Then we were at our rooms for a bit, thennn went on to play cards again before going to the restaurant.

The restaurant was French, and a couple from Québec my parents befriended were raving about this restaurant. We had to wait about 30 minutes past the reservation time, and the experience was a little strange. You order a soup, salad, main, dessert, but you start off with an entree. The entrees were three tiny little pieces of toast with something on each, and this for each person. One had salmon and caviar, another had ham and merlot, the other was boursin cheese. Then I had French onion soup which was pretty good! The salad was alright, then the main I had beef filet with other stuff, and the waiter didn't ask how I wanted the meat done, so it came medium I think. Normally I have meat well done because like, how is cooking it not all the way, the right thing to do?- But I had it anyway, it was pretty good but I didn't like the thought x3 Grandma had to send hers back because it was cold, and Dad sent his back as well since his salmon wasn't cooked- Then dessert was alright ^^ I didn't like it as much as the Italian place x3

We finished about 10:50 PM and by then, the show was over. So I thought we were walking back, but Dad wanted me to stay at the place where we played cards to play some games. There was music and people singing and partying, while Dad and I played a couple games of air hockey. Mom and Z came by though, Z left again right after but Mom stayed, and I played pool against her. A couple the made friends with last night showed up, and Mom mentioned how I solve rubik's cubes, so I brought my cube out and solved it for the people. They were impressed and the woman said she used to peel the stickers off 😭 X3 Then Mom said I can also do it one handed so I did that next, then I declared I was going back to the room.

Sats and I didn't talk much since I couldn't talk, which I feel bad about D: We had talked a bit earlier on the day, and that was nice :3 Xe feels more like a boy, so that's who xe is now! My dearest boy ^^ 💙💙💙

It is now 1:07 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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