Physics Test (May 1, 2024)

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I woke up at 6:45 AM from my alarms.

Day 2, first was socials. We talked about the same stuff.

In French, we talked about the poems and had time for the presentation. We also decided orders, and L and I are going like 3rd 😭

For math, we continued with tracing graphs from the first and second derivatives.

Then in double physics, we had a test, and I feel pretty good about it.

When I got home, I streamed for 2 hours and 11 minutes. It wasn't great- although I did get a 7.44 PB ao5 and sub-Pulsar 8.20 ao12! I raided AmyKitsuCubing.

After supper, I did some and I also spent some time talking with TBXN, who was been struggling with something. I hope to hear from them tomorrow.

Then I worked on the presentation, we basically had nothing done, but I did 3 full slides and we should be fine for tomorrow.

I also read Connor's final update here, and I totally get it. I know I wasn't always a good partner, but I was thinking of both of our best interests in proposing a breakup. I know xe'd always put effort, and since I couldn't do the same, I didn't want xirs effort to be wasted. And I said some hurtful things in my initial message, which I'm sorry for. I still haven't decided if it's a break or breakup, but xe seems like xe'd also be better off as an entire breakup, so now I'm leaning towards that as well. I want to insist on the fact that I still think xe's an amazing person, and I think we can work really well as friends! That's what I hope for ^^

It is now 2:15 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

My Day-To-Day Life (4)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ