Dumb Demon and Nonna's! (February 11, 2024)

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Dad woke me up at 12:06 PM I think.

Disvand told me on discord that there was a hard demon level that was just back on track for some reason, so I beat that XD

Then we went to Nonna's, we had pasta and meatballs which was delicious!! We also played dice and stuff, Mom won them Z did ^^ I was in serious need of cuddles for some reason today, so I kept leaning my head over to Mom x3 She had a headache though so we left slightly early D:

When I got home, I talked with Maxie!! I also did something secrettt that xe can probably guess anyway but I don't wanna sayyyy x3 But I had a really good time! Xe's the best >:3 mwah! 😽😽😽💙

It is now 12:43 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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