French Essay (March 4, 2024)

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I woke up at 6:45 AM from my alarms.

When the van came to pick me up, the door was frozen shut so the driver came out and was kicking at it to get it open 😭

Day 4, first was French double. We had to write the expressive essay, for the book I read the topic was indifference. I wrote about the time in Mexico that we went to the rope obstacle course thing, and I dramatacized it x3

Next was socials, and we started going to chapter 3. M. F seems so self-righteous and it's really odd?

Then we had math double, and looked at stuff then did homework. Apparently the physics teacher told some people that the test we did was really poorly done- so I'm really scared about that D:

When I got home, I streamed for 2 hours and 22 minutes, I had a good time! Nothing more than solving :3 I raided pulsar.

After supper, I was talking to Ells!! It was good to talk to my lovely boy ^^ It did also worry me a bit, xe's sick and seemed sleepy, and even took a power nap of half an hour, but was taking minutes between each reply (WHICH IS FINE TO DO!! IT'S JUST NOT REGULAR SO IT'S A LIL ODD TO ME, BUT IF EVERYTHING IS OKAY AND THIS IS A NEW NORMAL DAS TOTALLY OKIE!! ^^ 💙💙) But if you need anything babe, a lil break or some cuddles, just lemme know that babe :3 🥺💙💙💙

It is now 12:41 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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