Grandma's and X's House (April 1, 2024)

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I woke up at 12:00 PM from my alarm.

I edited more, enjoying it still :3 I've gotten about 8 minutes into it! Still got so much to do though 😭

Then we went to grandma's! It was sorta for T's birthday and stuff, and it was pretty good! Our cousins came with their dog Indie, and she ran around the house a few times before calming down x3 she so cute though!! And then we went to take a look at X's house, it's small and stuff but alright xD

When I got home, I edited a lil more and talked with Ells :3 we didn't talk too much but it was nice! Xe's feeling a bit sick unfortunately 🥺 I hope xe feels better! ^^ 💙💙😽

It is now 12:43 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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