MECS (April 27, 2024)

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I woke up at 5:45 AM from my alarm.

Dad drove me to the comp, it was a school in the middle of nowhere- like it was gravel roads, everything sparse and stuff xD

Like right when we got there is when my group fr 2x2 was called, so I wasn't warmed up but it went okay. I didn't PR nor podium.

In clock, I tried memoing for 7 simul, but I couldn't do it fast enough so I went with the normal method. Anddd I won clock xD not even PR, but Danny and Lucss weren't here so that's why ^^

For pyra, I also won lmao the scrambles were pretty dang good, the first one especially- it was a 7 mover I think 😭 I fully one-looked it but dropped the cube, it was gonna be a mid-1 but I got 3.15 which was still pr though xD my average was 3.79, and my previous best single was 3.75 lmao

In skewb, I got PR average sub-6 but no podium

In 3x3 I got 3rd place with a 9.02 average which wws pretty nice.

I was also scrambling literally the whole time xD so I didn't have time to text Cons nor even practice for my events whatsoever, but scrambling is fun and I feel like I'm helping out ^^

But yah, 3 podiums which was awesome :3

Dad drove me home, and there I talked with Connibubs for a bit!! I missed xem 🥺 Xe encouraged me to work on school stuff, so I went to do the physics lab ^^ I love xem so much, thinking of what I meed and allowing me to, it helps so much 🥺💙💙

It is now 3:24 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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