French Reading Comps (February 5, 2024)

2 1 21

I woke up at 6:45 AM from my alarms.

Day 2, first was social studies. We continued talking about ideologies and apparently we'll have to write stuff about them on Thursday and Friday 😭 I'm not looking forward to that, that's the kinda stuff I hate about social studies class, like just give me a test insteadddd 😭😭

Next was French, we did 2 reading comprehensions for the teacher to see our reading level. The first one was about a physics guy doing stuff, and the other was an excerpt of a play (which took me until halfway through to understand what was going on-) I got 7/9 and 8/10 respectively, so not great D:

In math, we talked about when you have an inequation with a fraction where both parts have an absolute value! So there are four cases you gotta check, and it's pretty fun :3

Then we had a physics double, talking about impulses and explosions and stuff like that ^^

When I got home, I streamed for 2 hours and 19 minutes, having a pretty good time! I was just solving and all that stuff, I enjoyed it ^^ I raided austingamer2021

After supper, I talked with Maxie for some time again, more about coping mechanisms and all! ^^ I think it's really important to find good things to deal with life in a good way :3 Xe stopped responding for a while again, probably tired or busy and das okie!! Remember darling, you can take all the time you want with me :3 I love my sweet boy so much!! 😽😽💙💙

It is now 12:25 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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