Cubing Above The Dinosaurs! (January 27, 2024)

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I woke up at 4:50 AM from my alarm.

Dad drove me to the comp venue in Sherwood Park. I was asleep most of the ride luckily.

I was looking for somewhere to sit, and these people offered a spot at their table to so I went there. Later on I found out that they have watched my youtube videos x3

I PR'd in 4x4 average with 36.92, which was also WPA x3 I also double PR'd in 6x6 with an overall PB single of 2:01.89 and mean of 2:12.39 even though the first solve was a 2:32.03 😭 Otherwise I didn't do too great, but Leif got 2nd in 3x3!! I scrambled a lot of the time, and we were ahead of schedule so added a second round of 6x6, but still finished like an hour earlier than scheduled xD

Then we went and got Wendy's as the traditional post-comp meal :3 Then we went to the hotel for the night.

On the TV there was a Ghostbusters movie x3 I was texting with Maxie though, my dearest boyfriend ^^ 💙💙💙 Unfortunately xirs granny has been doing more bullshit :< I just wanna grab my boy and hold on to xem until xe feels okay 🥺🥺💙💙

It is now 11:52 PM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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