Electricity Emergency Alert (January 13, 2024)

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I woke up at 1:00 PM from my alarm.

I streamed for 5 hours and 29 minutes, having a good time :3 I solved coobs, don't remember anything particular but it was good! Although we did get emergency alerts on our phones about the high elecricity demand due to the cold, warning us to not use as much electricity xD I raided pulsar.

We had a candle-lit supper which was really dim but cozy x3

After midnight, Mom and Dad came upstairs (as I was getting a snack) and Mom brought out muffins then stuck a candle in one xD Then we sung happy birthday for me and Mom :3

Then I was talking to Maxie a bit, then went on a call with xem! We was just talking for a while, L wished me happy birthday which I mentioned, then Max was calling her an oldie since she's even older than me xD  Then we watched 2 episodes of The Promised Neverland, they got into a bunker but then it was discovered :0 It's all so interesting and I love the story x3 But more importantly, I love my Maxiboo!! 💙💙

I'm so lucky to be able to spend time with the best boyfriend ever on my birthday :3 I love xem more than anything in the world!! 😽😽😽💙💙

It is now 3:29 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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