Say Reasonables (April 17, 2024)

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I woke up at 6:40 AM from my alarms.

Day 4, first was French double. We looked at the interviews of the authors and had to answer a question about it, then read more

Next was socials. We talked moreeee

Then we has a math double, it was good!! We looked at written problems in which you need to use the derivative and it's pretty confusing but I hope I can figure it out xD Then we played spoons with popsicle sticks!! I won the first round, and the teacher gave the winners chocolates :0 it was fun x3 We also played a bit of boulettes, I've still never volunteered to go up and do the sharades thing myself because I'm too scared too x3

When I got home, I streamed for 2 hours and 20 minutes, having a good time!! I was raided by Evy and Tazzlyn :0 also I forgot to mention that yesterday, Dummote redeemed say reasonable, and then today namesniper did?! That was crazy to have 2 reasonables in back to back streams- but yeah! ^^ I raided Silky_Sexy.

After supper, I did a few 2 multi-phase 7simul solves, to see how fast my memo is! My best so far is I think 17 seconds, so I'm a bit close to sub-15 memo!! I don't think I can get it down to consistently sub-15 before my next comp, but I'll keep practicing :3

Then I talked with Cons!! We talked about xirs dbh tiktok posts and stuff :3 I tried commenting but it wouldn't work xD we were also on call, and listened to some moosic! From hazben hotel, and another band which was cool :3 I love my boi! 🥺💙💙💙

It is now 12:59 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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