Skewb PR Short (March 11, 2024)

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I woke up at about 12:40 PM?

I edited my skewb single of 2.09 to post as another youtube short! It took a long time- but I don't wanna upload two videos so close to each other, so I scheduled it to come out on Saturday! That way, since I'll be at a comp and won't stream, the people can get a yt shott instead x3

I talked to Ells a lil before streaming :3 typical goofy goobers x3 😽😽💙

I streamed for 2 hours, and had a pretty good time! I made the BLD solve cheaper to encourage me to practice for da comp this weekend! Gotta get used to oro corners still x3 I solved and stuffs, then I raided Evybabee.

After supper, I showered and did! Ellie was eeping, and das totally okay!! I understand xe needs sleep and the hour change is odd, I'm not upset whatsoever :3 I love my boy no matter what, more than anything 🥺💙💙💙

It is now 12:37 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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