Weird Day (April 25, 2024)

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I woke up at 6:45 AM from my alarms.

Day 4, first was a French double. We started with a reading comprehension which I got 5/8 on, horrible. Then we had time, I chose to read the book, Cris.

Next was socials, I continued reading Cris because we're meant to have the book done for tomorrow. In socials we have the last dissertation due Saturday, I haven't started it and I sorta hate myself for it, but I know M. F isn't too strict with deadlines so I should be fine to hand it in late.

Then we had a math double, we had a test. We do them with the numhers in the book, and it just says which numbers to do. For the very first question I struggled a little, and found out near the end that I had done the wrong question 😭 for one question, it was to find the derivative under a specific format, and I just could not for the life of me find a way to get my answer into that format. It didn't make any sense to me at all, it frustrated me. For the last question, I spent so long doing it. It had 2 parts, and for the first one I used a value I think I shouldn't have. I used the height of the cone, when it should have been the height of the water in it. So I think that's wrong. For the second part, I originally used the different radius' value which I think was right, but at the very last moments of the test as the bell rang, I decieed to use the other value and was so stressed that I didn't know if I was doing things right and knowing I at least got another question wrong, I almost wanted to cry. There goes my 100% in calculus :<

When I got home, I streamed for 2 hours and 17 minutes. I don't know how to feel about the stream, it was alright sometimes but it feels like cubing streams have just died. I raided pulsar.

I'm also stressed about how I have physics, we're meant to have done some labs, homework, we have a test on wednesday, and every time I have the class, I just feel more disdain towards the class. In French, we have a bunch of mini projects for the book and a group presentation for next week. In socials we're meant to do the dissertation. In math I felt like a failure today.

I'm also a little worried about the comp Saturday. I've been practicing clock with 7s, but my memo isn't fast enough to use there. So I'm worried I won't be able to maintain my PR streak. I know comps are for fun and I do enjoy them, but I also want to do better.

I wasn't feeling great, sorry for my uncharacteristic pessimism.

But then, after supper, I talked to Cons :3 It was really nice, we finished Hazbin Hotel!! It was really cool ^^ We also talked and played more princess roblox game x3 I love xem, xe makes me feel better 🥺💙 I love you 💙💙💙

It is now 1:01 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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