Piano Bench Fall (April 26, 2024)

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I woke up at 6:45 AM from my alarms.

Powershool said it was day 1 so I thought it was French first, but apparently it was wrong and we had socials first xD

I really didn't wanna do socials so I kindaaa practiced clock for my comp tomorrow 😭 I hate that I did that thougb :<

Next was math, we started the next chapter about finding extremes of graphs without the graphing calculators.

In French we had a substitute, and we did the book recap thing! It was alright xD

Then in physics, we also had a sub and took the time for the labs.

When I got home, I streamed cubing for 2 hours and 30 minutes, having a good time! I was relubing my clock for the comp, and someone suggested I mod my clock by removing the magnets from the corners rings. To take out the rings though, you need something small and pointy like a thumbtack. I didn't know where to find any except for the ones that hold up my lights and backdrop thingy on the wall behind me! Soo... I went up on my piano bench to see if I could get one to use, and uh, the bench wasn't too stable- So I fell- XD It was really close to being super bad, I very nearly hit my head on the keyboard but luckily I was unscathed!! It got captured on camera though xD The clip is funny 😭

Then I streamed geodash for like 2 hours, it was alright! PiMaster ran me through how to add the click thing on stream which is cool, so now you can see when I click or press other keyboard buttons :3 We started pkaying How To Platformer, the new platformer extreme demon that has 2024 rooms- xD I only got to 666 by the end :3 I raided someone suggested by cubeydasher

After supper, we watched a movie! It was called The Retirement Plan, I think, with Nick Cage again. It had a lot of killing people so mom wasn't a fan of that, and I thought it was excessive as well- I also feel like Nick Cage always acts really weirdly 😭

Then I got ready for comp! I cleaned out my 3x3 and other things :3 I talked to Cons for only half an hour, xe had slept x3 my eepy boy 🥺 I love xem so much!! 😽😽😽💙

It is now 1:28 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!


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