Office Slut

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I walk into my office and I see you bustling about. You are wearing a black pencil skirt that comes to right above your knee and a white blouse buttoned up but enough left open to see your beautiful cleavage. You haven't noticed me yet and I slam my briefcase down and bark at you, "Did you get those reports off to the customer like I asked you too?"

You jump with surprise and turn to see me. Your face goes white as you look down at the floor, you let out meekly "I'm sorry sir I didn't. I'll do it asap."

I take a step toward you and you shuffle backward seeing my anger. This only gets me madder, "God damn it Bitch! How many times do I have to tell you to do something before you'll do it right!"

Still staring at the floor, you back up a little more, "I'm really sorry sir. I wasn't able to finish it. I'm really sorry sir, please forgive me."

I step toward you again, "That's not fucking good enough anymore! You're a useless fucking waste, what good are you to me!"

You shuffle away from me further. Now your back is against the wall, "Please sir I'll do anything you tell me to do I'll be anything, I promise, please just give me another chance."

I close the distance between us. You can feel me staring down at you, "The customers are pissed. Maybe I should just give them your little slut pussy to make them happy, but you'd probably fuck that up too!"

You look up at me surprised at my words, "W-what? Sir but, I promise to submit the file. W-w-what are you saying sir? "

I grab your chin to force you to stay looking at me, "I'm talking about that fucking slit between your legs. Always walking around here in your tight skirts and tight tops trying to show off your 'assets'. With how well you do your work around here maybe that fucking gash between your legs is the only good asset you have!"

You try to pull away, but my grip is too tight, you try to back away, but you are trapped between me and the wall, "Sir? What are you saying? This isn't right. Sir I work as your assistant."

I look you in the eyes, "This is my company! I'll tell you what is right! And since there doesn't seem to be anything going on between your ears, maybe the only thing you are good for is what is between your legs!"

You've given up trying to get away from me. You look toward the floor and quietly let out, "But sir, will you fire me if I say no?"

I roughly let go over your chin, pulling it down as I let go. I take a step back, "You're God damn right I will! You work for me and you do what I fucking say! Now close the door to my office and sit the fuck down!"

You quickly move to the door and close it and sit in the chair in front of my desk. You look at the floor as you speak, "Sir don't fire me. I need money, please, I'll do anything you say."

I sit on the corner of my desk looking down at you, That's the first thing you've done and said right all fucking day! Take off you're top I want to see what we are working with here."

You look up at me shocked, "What? Sir please!"

I stand up and glare down at you, "Did I fucking stutter Bitch, I said take off your top!"

You flinch from me, "Sir please! Don't do this."

I grab your chin again and pull you to face me, "If you want to keep your job, I suggest you start moving."

You bow your head and I let you go; you look at the floor trying to find a way out. You find no answers there and slump your shoulders, "O-okay."

You remove your shirt, showing off your red lace bra, "Not bad."

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