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"I'm taking you up on your offer of a decisive match!" Riposte says holding his sword out that was attached him while I stare up at him. "I...I can't fight you like this. You're not...yourself." Riposte gets in a fighting stance as he glares and yells, "Fight!" Adriana quickly grabs my arm and we both start running only for Riposte to land in front of us.

We both stop and gasp as Riposte says to me, "Where do you think you're going? Stay there, nice and patiently." Suddenly a Yo-Yo wraps around Riposte's sworded hand and he gasps in shock. Adriana and I turn our heads seeing Mister Bug holding his Yo-Yo as he asks, "How'd you like to start a duel with me?"

He pulls his Yo-Yo back to him trying to grab the sword. But his Yo-Yo only comes back to him as Riposte smirks at him and he lowers his arm. Mister Bug catches his Yo-Yo in shock while I hear him say, "It's merged with his hand." Riposte then yells slicing the thing Mister Bug was on in half as Mister Bug, Adriana, and I all moved out of the way quickly.

Mister Bug lands a few feet away from Riposte glaring at him as Riposte says, "Give me a moment, (Y/N). I must finish him off first! But don't worry. I haven't forgotten about you! I won't be long!" He charges at Mister Bug while I look to Adriana, "Go and hide." I say while Adriana says to me, "I'm not leaving you."

"I'll be fine don't worry. Mister Bug will protect me." I say with a smile while Adriana sighs and nods her head as she quickly runs and hides. I look back to Riposte seeing him using his sword trying to hit Mister Bug. But failing since Mister Bug was dodging the hits with his Yo-Yo. I stand running over a bit as I watch the fight and I yell, "Don't let him close in on you! Fight back!" I throw the fencing sword I had to Mister Bug who was doing back flips away from Riposte and lands on his feet catching the fencing sword.

"Thank you! But now, get out of here!" Mister Bug tells to me as he looks back to Riposte and I don't hear him whisper, "He doesn't deserve you." Mister Bug spins his Yo-Yo as he then charges at Riposte who uses his sword pushing Mister Bug back. Mister Bug falls back and falls to the ground with a grunt while my eyes widened and I yell, "Watch out, Mister Bug!"

Mister Bug looks up with wide eyes seeing Riposte jump high up in the air about to hit him with his sword. I quickly run in sliding down to Mister Bug and rolling us both out of the way right as Riposte slams his sword into the ground hard. Mister Bug and I both come to a stop and my eyes widened seeing I was on top of him but I quickly get off him.

I groan sitting down holding my ankle that I had sprained and I whispered, "Ouch." Mister Bug comes to my side placing his hand on my shoulder and asks, "Are you hurt?" I look to him with a pained smile as I say, "I'm fine." "I've got to get you out of here as far away from that boy as possible." Mister Bug explains as he looks to Riposte and we both stand and I say, "Sounds like a plan."

Mister Bug wraps his Yo-Yo around a building as he wraps his arm around my waist pulling me against him. We both turn to each other as I blush and I don't notice him blushing. I shake away any thoughts of us knowing he is meant to be with Adriana. Mister Bug then swings us both up in the air just as Riposte runs over trying to hit us with his sword but misses.

Mister Bug lands on the roof as he caught me in his arms holding me bridal style. He then quickly puts me down as we both hide behind a wall on the roof as he turns to me, "What kind of fencing was that?" He asks as I turn to him and say, "Nothing like I've ever seen. Or heard from Adriana." I hold my sprained ankle while Mister Bug says, "It's gonna be hard for me to protect you and fight at the same time."

Coming Into Your World I Fell In Love With YouWhere stories live. Discover now