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Dark Owl turns to her and gasps the set flies out of her hands. "Over to you, Mister Bug!" Lady Noire says with a smirk as Mister Bug jumps up high and catches the detonator in his hands and he lands back on his feet. Lady Noire then runs at Dark Owl fighting her left and right as Dark Owl tries to punch her. But she quickly dodges the punch doing a back flip a few feet away from Dark Owl.

Lady Noire then gets back in her fighting stance glaring at Dark Owl who uses her grappling iron and wraps it around Lady Noire's wrist. Lady Noire gasps as she then was flinged up in the air as she screams. She was falling when Mister Bug sees her falling right at him he tries to catch her but she knocks him off his feet instead.

As Mister Bug lets the detonator go that goes flying in the air while Dark Owl jumps down into the stadium and catches the detonator. "Ha! Ooh! Oops! Time flies! This is your last chance to save the helpless kitten!" Dark Owl says with a smirk as she then throws the detonator on the roof of the large metal box.

Mister Bug and Lady Noire both jump up landing on their feet as Lady Noire questions, "What's she got against kittens?" "Heroes don't hurt innocent beings Dark Owl!" Mister Bug says as him and Lady Noire both stare at Dark Owl. "Then give me your Miraculous, otherwise you will be to blame!" Dark Owl explains as she the grabs her Owl Talon.

"Owl Talon!" Dark Owl tells as she shoots her Owl Talon at Lady Noire and Mister Bug them both getting tangled as they both then fall to the ground with a grunt. They both open their eyes and see they were tangled up and were staring at one another real close. Lady Noire's eyes widened as Mister Bug stares also with wide eyes Mister abut smiles as he raises his eyes brows to her.

Lady Noire keeps her blush down as she groans softly with a small giggle shaking her head when she turns her and screams seeing Dark Owl Jump high in the air about to slam on the two. Lady Noire quickly rolls her and Mister Bug away from the hit as Mister Bug was now on bottom as Lady Noire was on top.

She then yells, yell, "Cataclysm!" As she grabs the rope to the Owl Talon with her cataclysm hand. As the rope breaks Lady Noire and Mister Bug both jump up landing on their feet as they get into a fighting stance staring at Dark Owl. "It's the end of the line for you!" Dark Owl yells as Mister Bug and Lady Noire both run at Dark Owl.

Lady Noire extends her baton and jumps high in the air about to hit Dark Owl only for Dark Owl to block the baton hit with her arms. Mister Bug throws his Yo-Yo wrapping it around Dark Owl's ankle and slides under her and turns to her back.

Lady Noire lands on her feet holding her baton as she glares at Dark Owl who was about to run at her. Only for Mister Bug to pull on his Yo-Yo hard and Dark Owl is flung back but she lands on her feet a few feet away from Lady Noire and Mister Bug. Mister Bug then throws his Yo-Yo in the air while he says, "Lucky charm!" His Yo-Yo glows while ladybugs spin around and suddenly a ladybug themed fountain pen falls into his hands.

"A fountain pen?" Mister Bug questions out loud as he groans then questions, "What am I gonna do, ask her to sign an autograph?" Mister Bug and Lady Noire both turn to Dark Owl who glares at them as Mister Bug says, "I'm deactivating the detonator, Malady!" Lady Noire's eyes widened knowing that wasn't how it went in the episode. But before she could say she'd do it Mister Bug jumps away and on the roof of the metal box grabbing the detonator.

He presses on the button but nothing happened as his eyes widened and he questions out loud, "What?" "Hoomerang!" Dark Owl tells throwing her hoomerangs at Lady Noire who dodges them and jumps up on the metal box with Mister Bug who quickly uses his Yo-Yo hitting the two hoomerangs away.

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