Chapter 24

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Austin's POV

I know that Emily is upset about all of this, but I can't let her give the baby up.

Even though what she said is true. I did make the baby. It's the only thing I did.

I'm not going to know what it's like to carry a child. Let alone take care of it.

Emily has so much to lose.

Her body. Her reputation. And her life.

I'm just the asshole who knocked her up.

The baby though.

No other family is going to have my baby.

I made it, so I'm keeping it.

Emily doesn't have to be involved if she doesn't want too. I think I have enough responsibility to raise a child by myself.

Mom won't like it, but she'll deal with it. I'll even move out if I have to.

The ride back to Emily's house is very quiet. And awkward.

Her face was set on her phone texting someone.

Probably Taylor. Emily has to be telling her about the appointment. And maybe her decision.

"We're almost at your house." I say trying to get her to talk.

She doesn't answer, but nods her head.

"Why do you want this baby so bad?" She asks after a few minutes of silence.

"The question is, why do you not want it?"

"I'm not ready to be a mother. And I'm not going to listen to anyone's shit when I deliver it."

"So that's what it is?" I ask.


"You care more about what people think about you instead of the baby?"

"Don't try to turn this around on me."

"And don't try to give my baby to strangers!"

"We've already been through this Austin. I'm not ready for this and neither are you. I'm not going to have the baby suffer."

"It's not going to suffer." I say stopping at a red light. "I'll straighten myself up and grow some balls. I can take care of it."

"It sounds that easy right?" Emily responds sarcastically.

"Christ's Emily. Why are you so negative? You're so concerned about your life being ruined? Stuff like this happens. We just have to continue to live and learn."

"I don't need you to preach to me like you're my dad. Because you're not."

"I'm not trying to be." I sigh. "But running form this situation isn't going to take back the time we had sex and the fact that there is baby inside of you."

Emily starts to tear up and sobs. She goes to open the door but I rush to lock all the doors.

"Let me out." She snaps.

"No. we need to talk about this."

"Let me out of this fucking car!" she yells.

"For what Emily? How is running going to solve any of this? Just stop." I say taking my foot off the brake when the light turns green.

"I can't Austin. I can't do this." Tears running down Emily's face.

I didn't mean to make her cry.

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