Girl Meets up with the Group

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'Can you believe we're leaving in only two days?' Riley asked Maya. She was folding her clothes and put them in a purple and pink suitcase. Even though she had plenty of time to pack before they left, she had started anyway. 'Uhmm, I guess so. Shouldn't the guys be here by now?' Maya looked at the door. The six of them planned to meet each other to arrange the final things. 'Patience, peaches. They can be here any minute.' The girls sat in silence for a while, which was quite unusual. 'Maya, can I ask you something?' 'You? Always.' Riley smiled at that and felt a warm rush of friendship. 'I know we've been working so hard to get my parents to agree, but... I just have this feeling. Will everything go alright? I mean, we're six teenagers who are going to an island miles away. We can't just go back and ask our parents for help when something happens.' Maya thought about that. 'Riles, everything will be alright. We got each other. We're just gonna go to Hawaii, enjoy a nice couple of weeks together.' 'I suppose you're right.' Riley cheered up after that. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang. 'That must be them!' Riley said cheerfully.

'Hi', Lucas said when he entered. 'Hi yourself', Riley said shyly. 'So', Zay started, 'what am I here for?' Maya rolled her eyes and slapped him on the back of his head. 'We're going to Hawaii in a few days and we have yet to plan how we get to the airport and what we'll do when we arrive at the island, you cowboy-idiot!' Zay sat down on the couch. 'Sorry, Mrs. Know-it-all.' Maya laughed. She enjoyed the teasing between her and her friend. Riley walked to the kitchen and when she returned to the living room, she carried two bottles of diet coke and a bag of potato chips. 'Let me help you with that.' Lucas hurried toward her and took the bottles out of her arms. 'Thanks, Lucas', Riley said, giving her crush a warm smile as she looked into his beautiful green eyes. They sat next to each other on chairs close to the couch, where Zay, Farkle and Maya were already sitting. Josh sat on the arm rest of the couch, right next to Maya, who looked like she felt a little bit uncomfortable. She usually was pumped to see Josh and full of energy, but now she just was feeling awkward about going on a holiday with him, even though she had really wanted him to go.

'We could take a cab to the airport', Josh suggested. 'I mean, I can drive us there as well, but this definitely would be a lot easier.' 'I agree', Maya immediately said and everyone looked her way. 'I mean, it sounds like a good idea, ya know.' She looked away blushing. 'Yeah, it sounds good', Lucas offered. 'Well, that's settled then', Farkle said as he stood up. 'Sorry ladies and gentleman, I've got some business to take care off.' He took off. 'That leaves just the five of us', Josh stated. 'Hey Zay, you haven't really showed us the house', Riley said. 'Oh...right.' Zay took his phone out of his pocket. 'It's actually more of a mansion.' The other four gathered behind him and watched at the little screen.
'Wow...' they said in unison, looking at the large, stone walls.

Thanks for reading everyone! I hope you liked it. If you have any suggestions or pieces of advice, feel free to share them :)


Girl Meets Hawaii(Joshaya & Rucas)Where stories live. Discover now