Girl Meets Going Away

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It was the day of their departure. The last things were packed and the mansion was more quiet than usual. Nobody knew what to say. Nobody wanted to leave. 'This silence is freaking me out!' Maya said suddenly as she was putting the last of her belongings into her suitcase. Riley shrugged. 'What's there to say? We'll be returning to New York soon and after a day or two, we will have forgotten all about our time here. Everything will go back to normal.' Maya raised her eyebrows. 'Riley, you're the most optimistic person I know. What happened to you? Of course we won't forget Hawaii!' Riley didn't seem like she believed it. 'What's going to happen, is, we're going to return to school, our daily routine returns and returning here sounds amazing, but it probably won't be happening anytime soon.' 'Hey', Maya said, sitting down on Riley''s bed, 'at least we'll have something to look forward to.' 'I suppose you're right.' Riley sat down next to Maya and rested her head on her best friend's shoulder. 'Thanks, Peaches.' 'For what?' 'Cheering me up.' 'You always cheer me up. Now it's my turn', Maya replied. 'So... How about we go explore Hawaii just one last time? Just the two of us.' Riley smiled. 'That sounds amazing. And I'm done packing already.' 'Me too. Well, almost, but I'll do the rest of the things later. We still have...' Maya looked at her watch. 'About seven hours until our plane takes off. My guess is your mother wants us to leave three hours before take-off, so that gives us about three hours. I'll need that other hour to finish packing my suitcase.' 'What are we waiting for? Let's go!' Riley exclaimed. The two best friends linked arms and after telling Riley's parents about their plans(Topanga: 'If the two of you aren't back in time, we'll leave without you! Then you'll have lots of more time on Hawaii!'), the girls left.

'It's been a hell of a few weeks', Maya stated as she and Riley were wandering around. 'That's for sure', Riley said. 'I mean, you and Josh. Lucas and I... A lot has changed.' Maya let out a very un-Maya like giggle when she heard Josh's name. 'Hawaii's brought a lot of good things', she admitted. 'And I'm sure more good things will await us in New York.' Maya noticed Riley was thinking about something. 'What are you thinking about?' she asked her. 'I just thought about... Remember when we went shopping for holiday clothes and we ate pie at that one place and... We were talking about who we liked and neither one of us thought that we might have a chance with them, and look at us now.' Maya nodded. 'I remember that.' The girls kept talking about pretty much everything for the next two hours, until they decided it was time to return to the mansion. Even though they didn't feel like leaving the island, they didn't want to miss their plane either.

'Oh good, you're back. On time!' Topanga said. She was running around, making sure everyone had packed their stuff. The parents had been staying in a nearby hotel, but during the day, the mansion had served as their home as well. She knew where everything was. Lucas walked over to Riley. 'Your mother is very... organized', he said, smiling and looking at Topanga. Riley nodded and laughed. 'Are you sad we're leaving?' Lucas asked as he put an arm around Riley's shoulder and he pulled her a little closer to him so he could give her a kiss on her cheek. 'I was. Still am. But Maya really managed to cheer me up.' Josh entered the room at that moment. 'You know how you could cheer me up?' Josh said to Maya as he opened his arms for a hug. Maya put her arms around him. 'You know I hate hugging', she complained. 'No, you don't', Josh laughed. They gave each other a small kiss, before realizing Riley was right in front of them. 'Sorry, Riles', Maya apologized. 'It's fine', Riley said as she offered her friend a smile.

Precisely an hour later, Topanga asked, 'Is everyone set to go?' The group nodded. And then they were off.

Hi everyone :) As you can see, I've decided to add just one more chapter as this just didn't feel like the last one yet. The other chapter will probably be updated today as well :) Thanks for reading!


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