Girl Meets Faith

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'Where is Shawn?' Maya asked. The group was walking back to the mansion, so they could get the rental car and drive up to the hospital Cory was in. The sky was blue again and the sun was shining. There was no more danger. 'He's at home with Auggie. We couldn't leave him all by himself', Katie explained. She had been doing the talking, since Topanga couldn't answer. There was a lump in her throat and she couldn't think about anything else than Cory. Her sweet, stupid, crazy - but in a good way - husband, who was currently lying in that hospital, all by himself. He probably still was unconscious - just like when she'd last seen him. In her mind, she replayed everything that had happened. Josh calling Cory. Leaving the house to find the children. It had taken a lot of effort to get Shawn to stay at the mansion, because he wanted to make sure everyone was okay. But he had understood that Auggie was too young to be all by himself, especially in this situation. The kid had always been afraid of lightning and it had been storming heavily when they left the mansion. They had walked along a road, which had been slippery thanks to the rain. And then... Memories of the awful accident flashed through her mind: a dark-grey sky, rain pouring down, and... the lights of a car. She heard the blow of the car hitting Cory after it had slipped and lost control. Phone calls were made. The sound of sirens approaching. Topanga suddenly felt dizzy. She sat down on the grass, only to push herself up again after one second. She had to keep walking. She had to get to Cory as soon as possible. No one had seen her drop to the ground. Just as well, she thought. She didn't need any more questions. She wasn't the only one unable to talk. Josh was walking all alone, in the back. Farkle, Lucas, Zay and Vanessa all walked together. Zay had his arm on Vanessa's shoulder to comfort her. A few tears rolled down her cheek. She hadn't known Cory for a long time, but she'd come to like him in the few days they'd spent together with the entire group. And he was Riley's father, the father of a girl she now considered a really close friend. Riley was walking somewhere near Topanga. Lucas was in conflict with himself. He wanted to comfort his girlfriend, but he knew she'd rather be alone or with her mom at this moment.

'Does Shawn know about Cory, er- Mr. Matthews?' Maya asked her mother. 'Not yet. We'll tell him when we get to the mansion.' Maya nodded. 'Mom...' 'Yes?' Maya felt tears sting in her eyes. 'Is he going to be okay?' Katy put her arms around her daughter. 'He's a strong man. I believe he will make it.' At the same time, Riley had walked up to her mom and asked the same question. At first, it looked Topanga wasn't going to talk, but she managed to get the words out of her mouth. After all, a daughter deserved to know what had happened to her father. 'I don't know', she replied. 'I wish I could tell you I was sure he'd make it, but...' Topanga stared off into the distance. 'I know I sometimes tend to make fun of your father, but he really is a wonderful person. I really, really love him a lot. And if I learned anything about him, I know he's strong. He might not look like it from the outside, but inside, he truly is. I have faith.' 'Me too', Riley said, her voice soft. She couldn't do anything else than believe that everything would be okay. She couldn't bare the thought of her dad... She looked up to the sky. Such a nice color, Riley thought. If something could go from something dark to something so cheerful, than it could surely happen to her dad as well, right? The calm after the storm. Maybe the accident had looked bad, but that didn't mean her dad was doing bad as well. 'I have faith.'

It wouldn't be long until they reached the mansion. The car could only fit so many people, so they made plans on who could go. There were seven seats. Of course, Topanga should go to the hospital. Riley, Josh and Shawn, too. One seat had to be saved in the unlikely case of Cory being able to go home immediately. Maya wanted to go, too. Cory was her family, too. Maybe they weren't bound by blood, but he definitely felt like an uncle to her. One seat was left. Everyone thought it was best to keep Auggie at home and to not tell him about anything until they knew how Cory was doing. They felt bad about keeping the truth from him, but what choice did they have? He was too young. One seat was still free. Katy would stay with Auggie. Then, someone unexpected spoke up. 'Um, I know I'm not family, but could I... I mean, can I come with you? I really want to know how he - Mr. Matthews - is doing.' Those words had come from Farkles mouth. It was settled, then. Topanga, Shawn, Riley, Maya, Josh and Farkle would go to the hospital. The rest would stay in the mansion and take care of Auggie. As the mansion came in sight, everyone braced themselves for what had to be done next. Telling Shawn about Cory's accident.

Hello everyone :) Thanks again for reading the new chapter of Girl Meets Hawaii! Your support means a lot to me. And, as usual, I'd like to give a special thank-you to the people who've been voting on previous chapters. The story has reached 13K viewers, and wow, I don't know how to thank you guys and I'm so sorry for the fact that I keep saying thank-you because it might be annoying for you and now I've said it again... I hope you liked this chapter and I have something else to say about the now-confirmed couples of the TV-series(WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD).


OMG! There are clips on YouTube from the second part of the Ski Lodge-episode and guess what? Both Rucas and Joshaya are now a thing! There was one video in which Lucas picked Riley and offered her one of the purple jelly beans from a few episodes ago. And there were two other videos, which contained Joshaya-conversation. In the first one, Maya admits to not liking Lucas in a romantical way and Josh and Maya are holding hands the entire three minutes! And there's also that second video, in which JOSH ADMITS HE LIKES MAYA! Oh my God, you guys! Joshaya finally happened :D I'm so happy! He said he was also in it for the long game and even though they aren't in a relationship, they did mention dating in the future. Rucas, however, I think is dating now, so yay! But, I have to say, I feel kind of bad for all of the Lucaya-shippers. They're such a large group and most of them hate Rucas. I just hope that they can get on board with the Joshaya-thing(which, luckily, some former-Lucaya-shippers already have gotten)!

What did you think of these new, confirmed couples(yeah, I know: Joshaya isn't a couple yet. But they did admit they liked each other, so I'm gonna call it a couple).

Have a nice day!


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