Girl Meets Storm, part II

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'You guys...' Maya said with a trembling voice. She didn't take her eyes off of the sky that was black as ink. At first, the others didn't bother looking up. It wasn't until Maya gave Zay a slap on the arm that they noticed the danger that was heading toward them. 'We have a problem', she said. Everyone looked around, but all they saw was the flat meadow and some mountains in the background. No place to hide. They wouldn't be able to get back to the mansion before the stormy weather reached them. They could go to the beach and find shelter in one of the ice cream shacks, but getting there would take them about ten minutes. And not to mention the fact that the clouds were actually coming from that direction. But it might have been their best option. 'We need to leave', Vanessa said. 'Now, and I mean, right now!' Zay started picking up the food and drinks, but Lucas stopped him. 'There's no time', Farkle said. Suddenly, everyone regretted not bothering to check the forecast before leaving. 'Farkle's right', Lucas said. 'Run!' he ordered everyone. He went first and the others followed. 'Josh, what are you doing?' Maya said as she turned around to search for him. She hadn't seen him with the others, who were already fifty meters further than them. 'I need to call Cory for help', he said, a note of anxiety in his voice. 'No', Maya said firmly, 'you have to come with us and find a place to hide. Then, you can call him!' Josh looked at her desperately. 'I'll be right behind you, I promise. It won't take long.' Maya looked at the approaching clouds nervously. 'I'm not leaving without you.' She took a step towards him, but he responded by taking a step back. 'Go, Maya!' The first raindrops were already falling down and they heard the faint sound of thunder rumbling a few miles away. It wouldn't be long until the thunderstorm reached them. Maya refused to take off without Josh. 'You leave me with no choice', he said rueful. Maya hadn't expected his next move. He ran off in opposite direction. 'What are you doing?' she called after him. 'Helping you!' he shouted, not looking back. Maya had to make a decision. She couldn't leave Josh alone, but if she didn't and followed him, the others would get worried and eventually return to search for them, which would put them in even more danger. Without thinking any longer, she made a decision and ran to her friends. She couldn't see them anymore, but she was fast and would be able to catch up with them within a minute or so.

In the meanwhile, Josh was a little bit scared. Running away from the group hadn't been the smartest thing he'd ever done, but it was crucial if he wanted to keep Maya safe. He dialed Cory's number. He was lucky to have his cell phone with him. 'Please have service', he muttered, waiting for his brother to pick up. 'Cory Matthews', a voice sounded on the other end. 'Oh thank God, Cory', Josh said. 'You need to help us.' 'What's going on?' Cory said, worry taking over him. 'A major storm is heading our way and we don't know where to go.' 'Are the others with you?' Josh fell silent.

'Josh, are the others with you?' Josh took a deep breath. 'No, I'm alone. They ran away to find shelter, but I wanted to call you first.' A loud bang. Raindrops falling faster and faster, and more and more. 'Josh, where are you?' 'A meadow about half an hour away from the mansion. The others are heading east and I will follow their tracks.' 'We're coming. We'll find you. Now, go! Go hide!' 'Thanks', Josh said before hanging up the phone. He was relieved to have called Cory, but the danger wasn't gone, yet. In fact, the worst part hadn't even started. He ran through the meadow as fast as he could. He soon reached the spot the group had been before, when they still thought they were about to have a nice picnic together. He tripped over food basket and his body slammed onto the ground. Mud covered his clothes and there were a few scratches on his arms and legs, but luckily, he'd landed on grass and there were no further injuries. He pushed himself up and continued running. He didn't notice his phone falling out of the back pocket of his pants.

As she had predicted, Maya soon caught up with the others. They were hiding in an abandoned little cabin. She'd showed up right when the group found the hiding spot. 'Where's uncle Josh?' Riley asked immediately after they had shut the cabin's door. 'Um, he'll be here soon. He wanted to call your dad', Maya explained, not sure how Riley would react. 'What?! He should've followed us. What if he got caught in the storm or hit by lightning or-' 'Riley, calm down. Everything will be fine. He can be here any second. Just breathe.' Riley sat down on the ground, trying not to panic, even though it was already too late for that. Maya was worried as well, but she tried to keep her feelings inside. She had a feeling that if she started to panic, the others would lose it as well. But their worries appeared to be unnecessary as they heard a knock on the cabin's door after five minutes of waiting. Maya ran to the door, only to find Farkle already opening it. They looked at the person in front of them. 'Oh thank God, Josh, you made it!' Maya said and she pulled him in for a hug. She also gave him a kiss on the cheek and a slap in his face - which surprised him. 'Ouch. What was that for?' Maya gave him another smack, this time on his arm. She fought back tears - tears of happiness. She'd never been this happy to see him. 'For being so stupid! Something terrible could've happened to you!' she exclaimed. 'I'm okay', Josh said, trying to comfort her. 'And I was able to reach Cory. He'll come get us. I just hope he's smart enough to go by car, since they rented one and it's storming outside. Way too dangerous to go by foot.' 'I think he's figured that out', Riley said. 'Does he know where we are, though?' 'No. Not really. I told him in which area we are, but I didn't know we would end up here in this cabin. I should give him another call.' He reached for his phone, but he found that the pocket was completely empty. 'No, no, no. This can't be happening!' Riley stood up from the ground. 'What is it, Josh?' Josh shook his head and tried his other pocket. Nothing. 'My phone. It's gone. It must've fallen out of my pocket when I tripped.' He covered his hand with his mouth. 'There's no way of contacting him now.' 'It doesn't matter', Riley said. She knew it did, but she didn't want her uncle to feel any more bad than he already did. 'Yeah, it does.' At that moment, Zay entered the living room, in which the rest of the group was. He held a bag of chips in his hand. 'Look what I found!' he said, pointing at the snack. 'Zay, do you have any idea how old that is?' Vanessa said, a disgusted look on her face. Zay shrugged. 'Nothing wrong with it. It won't expire until December 2015.' Everyone turned to look at him. 'Why are you guys looking at me like that? I ain't a monkey doing tricks.' Vanessa walked up to him and took the bag out of his hands. 'It's 2016 already, you idiot!' Zay sat down on the couch, of which parts had been eaten away by moths. The place had probably been empty for a long time already. 'Why is it y'all are so grumpy?' he asked. 'Well, I called Cory and he's coming to get us', Josh answered, still feeling stupid for losing his phone. 'Okay...' Zay said. It was clear he was confused. Why was help such a bad thing in this situation? 'Then what's the problem?' 'The problem is', Lucas said, 'he doesn't know where we are at the moment.' 'And?' Josh sighed. 'I lost my cell. I can't call to tell him where we are.' 'Then use my phone', Zay simply said. Everyone groaned. 'You had a phone with you all this time and you didn't mention it?' Farkle asked. 'I just... forgot, I guess.' He walked over to Josh and gave him his phone. Once again, Josh dialed Cory's number. But something was different this time. No one picked up. 'Maybe he's driving and can't pick up the phone right now', Riley said. 'Yeah', Maya agreed. 'Or he forgot his phone or something like that.' 'Probably.' Still, something didn't feel one hundred percent right.

Raindrops were still falling. They still heard them upon the windows and the roof. But the storm seemed to have weakened. It felt like the group had been in the cabin for hours. Yet, it was still better to be there than to be out in the storm with no protection whatsoever. After another thirty minutes, Josh couldn't wait any longer. It was barely raining anymore and the thunder and lightning had stopped a long time ago. 'Guys, I'm going out to look for any sign of Cory, okay?' 'I'm coming with you', Riley said. 'Me too', Maya added. All of the others were on board to go look for him as well. Well... almost everyone. 'Do we have to go? It's still raining. Can't we wait until it's dry?' Zay complained. Vanessa offered him her hand to help him up. 'No, we can't. And it's not like you're made of sugar.' Zay gave her a smirk. 'But I definitely am as sweet.' Everyone rolled their eyes. 'How do you put up with him, Vanessa?' Farkle asked. He meant it more as a joke than as an insult. 'Sometimes I ask myself the same thing', she said, but she smiled. The group left to go outside and find Cory. 'Thanks for offering us this place to stay', Riley whispered to the cabin. They hadn't even walked for a minute when they saw Topanga and Katy. 'Mom!' Riley exclaimed. She started running. The others followed her lead and picked up their pace to meet with the two mothers. Riley hugged Topanga. She smelled her Mom's hair, happy to be together with her again. She'd been so scared during the storm. 'Where is Dad?' she asked, when she had finally let go of her mom. Topanga didn't answer. Riley took a step back. She hadn't noticed the tears running down her mother's cheeks. 'Mom?' she asked. 'Where is Dad?' Topanga shut her eyes and sniffed loudly. Maya looked at Katy. 'Mom, what's going on?' Katy bit her lip. It was clear she was on the verge of tears. She took a deep breath to brace herself for the words she was going to say next, but somehow she just couldn't bring herself to say them out loud. 'C- Cory', she said. 'What is it? Mom, say something!' Maya took her by the shoulders. 'Please, Mrs. Hart, I need to know', Riley begged, fearing the worst. Topanga looked at her daughter with bloodshot eyes. Katy took a step towards Riley. 'Riley, I'm so, so sorry, honey.' Riley needed a proper answer. She needed to know what happened. 'Where is my dad?' she asked once more. It took Katy a lot of willpower to say the words, but she knew Riley deserved to know the truth and managed to speak up. 'There was an accident', she said. 'The road was very slippery.' Riley saw Katy had a lot of trouble telling her, but she needed to know. 'What... what kind of accident? What happened to him?' she asked though her tears. 'Your dad got hit by a car. He's in the hospital now.'

Hi everyone :) I have a feeling most of you are thinking ''what just happened?'' by now. I hope you liked - well, liked isn't really the right word - the chapter anyway. What do you think will happen to Cory next? Thank you for reading and to those who have been voting on previous chapters: thank you so much, it really means a lot to me :) Thank you all so much for your support! Have a nice morning/afternoon/evening/night! :D


PS.: This chapter took more than two hours to write, so I hope you like it.

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