Girl Meets Sweet, Lovely Little Mess.

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After he had visited Cory, Josh went back to the waiting area to get the others, who were already standing near the entrance. Maya took a step toward him to ask him how his conversation with Cory had gone and embrace him. But he bluntly walked past her and went to Riley instead. 'I need to thank you, niece. For what you said and for letting me talk to him first, even though I know you'd rather have gone to him immediately.' Riley pulled him in for a hug. 'No problem, Josh. Did... talking with him help you?' Josh nodded. 'Yeah, and you did, too.' Riley gave him a little smile, which he returned. Farkle looked at Maya, who was trying to manage a small smile as well. He'd seen Josh ignoring her. Maya saw Farkle looking at her at returned his gaze, clearly annoyed. Then, she turned her attention back on Josh, who was still with Riley. It was completely normal he wanted to talk to her, but Maya felt a little bit jealousy he didn't come to her first. She sighed loudly, but he didn't seem to take the hint. 'Shall we go to Cory, then?' he asked, to which everyone agreed.

After visiting Cory, everyone left in a happier mood than they had been in first. Well, not everyone... Maya was glad Cory was fine, but she was still thinking about what happened earlier with Josh. Or rather what hadn't happened with Josh. It was decided Topanga stayed the night at the hospital. Shawn had wanted to stay as well, but someone had to drive the others home. Even though Josh probably could've handled the car as well, they all felt safer with Shawn there. Everyone was quiet during the drive back to the mansion. No words were needed as everyone shared the same relief over seeing Cory being okay. Sure, he had a lot of recovery ahead of him, but he was still alive. And that was at least something. And he'd been able to talk. Riley went to find Auggie as soon as they were home again. Shawn followed her, knowing Katy would be where Cory's son was. Farkle muttered something about reading the last chapter of some book. Maya went into the garden, laying down one of the sunbeds near the pool. She didn't care the least bit that the beds were soaked. Josh was leaning on the the railing that encircled the mansion. 'Hey', he said to Maya. She looked up. 'Oh, so now you want to talk?' She put emphasis on the word 'now'. Josh frowned. 'What do you mean?' 'Nothing.' Josh let go of the railing and walked up to her. 'No, I want to know. What's up?' Maya looked at him right in the face with an expression that was barely readable. Josh wondered what was keeping her busy. '''What's up?''' Maya repeated. 'Hmm, I don't know, maybe the fact that you completely ignored me when we were at the hospital? Instead, you just went to Riley.' Josh sat down on the sunbed next to her. 'She's my niece. Cory got hurt and she's his daughter and-' 'Yeah, I know. I just thought I would be the one you'd talk to first.' 'I'm... I'm sorry, Maya. I really am. I just...' 'It's okay', Maya said. 'I just wished I was the first one you want to share problems or whatever with.' Josh nodded. 'I understand.'

They hadn't noticed Riley entering the garden when they were talking. After Josh had left, she walked up to her best friend. 'Maya, how could you say something like that?' she asked, a mix of sadness and the slightest bit of anger in her voice. Maya sprang up from the sunbed. 'Riley, you scared me!' 'Sorry', Riley started to say, but then she changed her mind. 'No, actually, I don't care if I scared you. Why did you say those things to Uncle Josh about it being wrong for him to talk to me first?' Maya looked up at her friend. She was confused. Her friend's outburst had come as a shock to her. 'Well, we're not really in a relationship yet, but we definitely are close. Is it that strange I'd like him to discuss things with me before he does that with anyone else?' Riley's eyes widened and her nostrils quivered. 'Maya, are you even hearing what you're saying right now? It's not just about you or him. I have a voice in this, too! My Dad is in a hospital because of a car accident, is it so weird I want to talk with his brother, my Uncle! Family helps each other through everything. He saw my Dad and I wanted to talk to him, because I needed to know how he was doing and how Josh was handling this since he-' 'Since he what?' Maya asked. Riley realized she had said too much. 'Nothing.' Maya looked at her, annoyed. 'See? You guys have your secrets and I can't know about them.' 'Maya! This isn't about you. And this isn't you, either. The Maya I know wouldn't care about something like this. She would want to know if her teacher was okay!' Riley said with a trembling voice. Maya looked at her feet, Riley's words penetrating her mind. She was right, Maya thought with a shock. What am I doing? she asked herself. Suddenly she felt something wet running down her cheek. A tear made his way down her face. Riley felt a little bit confused about this sudden change in her best friend, but then she recovered from the initial surprise and put an arm around Maya. She wiped away the tear with her hand. 'I'm so sorry, Riles. I don't know what's going on with me', she said, sniffing. Riley rubbed her friend gently on her back, trying to comfort her. 'Actually, I do know. I think', Maya said. Riley was silent, giving her friend the time to speak. 'When I was little, I once broke my leg. I had to go to a hospital. It was late at night. I had went out of bed, because I had to use the bathroom and I slipped. I fell crashed into a table and my leg was lying in some weird position. I remember my Mom running to me, panicking. It probably hurt, but I have no such memories. As I said, we went to the hospital. I had to stay there for the night, since it was really late. When I woke up that morning, I woke up to find nobody there. My mother was at work and my Dad... He was never there.' More tears were running down her cheeks now. 'There was nobody there, Riles. And with Cory... You are one tight family. You went to visit him, because that's what family does. And I guess I just wanted to be part of that.' Riley looked at her sympathetically. 'You are. And you always will be.' She let Maya rest her head on her shoulder. 'Thanks for being my friend and accepting me, even though I'm such a mess.' Riley laughed softly. 'You're my sweet, lovely little mess. And I love you.' 'I love you, too, Riles', Maya said. And that very moment made her forget the loneliness she had once felt in that hospital.

Hey everyone :) Here's the new Girl Meets Hawaii chapter! I hope you all liked it. Thank you so much for reading and as usual, a special thanks to those who have voted on the previous chapters :)  Have an awesome day!


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