Girl Meets Worth Fighting For

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Maya walked downstairs. She didn't know why, but she suddenly felt like swimming. After the phone call with her mom, she quickly put on her black-and-blue bikini and she rushed to the pool. Even though it was almost six, it was still warm. She enjoyed the tropical weather. Maya pulled her hair together in a ponytail, because she hated the feeling of the long, wet hair on her back. The thought alone made her shiver. She took a sprint and dived into the pool. Josh was lying on one of the sunbeds, trying to focus on the book he was reading. Maya noticed him when she came up for air. 'Oh, um, hey', she said. 'Hey', he said, but didn't bother to look up. 'So I called my mom', Maya started, 'and she doesn't think it's a good idea. You know, the trip.' Josh didn't say anything. 'I really tried to convince her, but it didn't work. I just want you to know that I think it was very thoughtful of you and I wish I could come. I really do.' Josh shut his book and stood up. 'Look, Maya, if you didn't want to go, you could've just said so. There's no need to lie to me. I would've understood it if you told me so the minute I asked if you would want to come with me.' He didn't wait for a response and left. Maya didn't know what to say. How could he have known? Had he guessed it? Was she so bad at lying? 'That was...odd.' She felt a pang of sadness inside of her. She climbed out of the pool and sat down on the sunbed where Josh had been just a few seconds ago. She felt like crying, but was luckily distracted. Riley and Lucas had entered the garden. 'We are back!' Riley said. Well, it was actually more like singing. Maya rose from the sunbed and walked over to them. 'Hi. How was your date?' Riley and Lucas were still a bit uneasy when they heard that word. 'It was nice. We had so much fun!' Maya wanted to be happy for them, and really she was, but she couldn't help but feel a little... left-out? Jealous, perhaps? She pushed her thoughts away and focused on her friends. 'Aw, I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves.' She suddenly noticed her two friends were completely soaked. 'Did you go to the ocean?' 'Something like that. It started to rain. A lot. But you knew, right? I mean, it must've been raining here as well.' 'Nope', Maya said. 'Oh well, it doesn't matter', Lucas said. 'It can't rain everywhere at the same time.' It made sense. Riley shrugged. 'So, what have you been up to?' 'Not much', Maya said. 'I went for a walk with Farkle and Josh.' She tried to sound casual. 'Are Vanessa and Zay back yet?' Lucas asked. 'No, I don't think so', Maya said. 'They'll probably get back soon. Then you and Zay can tell each other about your dates and giggle like a couple of girls', Maya teased him. She was happy to be distracted for a while and loved hanging out with Riley and Lucas. 'So Rucas, aren't you going to give me any details about your date?' Riley frowned. 'What or who is Rucas?' Maya looked at her like it was already obvious. 'Your shipping name, of course. Riley and Lucas. Rucas.' Lucas' cheeks flushed. Riley thought it was cute. 'I'm going to go tell Josh I'm back. If I forget to do that, he'll probably get worried in a while.' She turned around and marched toward the mansion. 'I'll just... go with her, I guess', Lucas said. Maya nodded. She felt tears sting in her eyes. Lucas and Riley were perfect for each other. She wished she could be like that with someone. Things weren't really going her way. 'Hey, are you okay?' She heard Lucas' voice and realized he hadn't left yet. 'Yeah, of course. I'm fine. Nothing's wrong', she said, trying to sound like she actually believed what she was saying herself. 'You don't look like you're fine. What happened?' Maya sighed. 'It doesn't matter.' 'It does. Of course it does', Lucas said. 'I hate to see you this sad. I've known you for a long time now and I know you're not the type of person who is bummed out about something and shows it.' Great, I am bad at lying she thought. She hoped he couldn't see that she was sad. 'It's just... Promise me you won't tell anyone. Not Zay or Vanessa and certainly not Josh.' 'I promise.' Maya took a deep breath and started telling him everything - including her feelings for Josh.

When she was finished, he was staring at her wide-eyed. 'So you... like Josh?' Maya nodded, not feeling pleased with herself. Couldn't she fall for someone with whom it wasn't so complicated? Someone who liked her back. She still didn't understand why Josh had been so mad. 'First of all, the two of you would kind of be great together', Lucas said with a little smile. 'But yeah... I get it. You know, how you feel and stuff. I have no clue why he could be mad, but I do know this: If you're really into him, you should go find out and fix it. Show him you think he's worth fighting for. Love is never easy. Nothing good comes easy. It never does. You have to work for it. Go show him you care.' 'Wow, Huckleberry... That was quite a speech. But, thank you. Never thought I'd be saying this, but it actually means a lot to me.' Lucas gave her a smile. 'Now go to him! What are you waiting for?' Maya stood up and walked away, but not before she shot him a grateful look.

Hi everyone! Before I say anything else, this is not meant as a Lucaya chapter. I think Lucas and Maya are great together - as friends. Nothing more(this is my personal opinion, but I respect the opinions of those who do ship them). Now that I have said that, I wanted to thank you for reading :) And here's a special thanks to those who have been voting on previous chapters.

I've reached 1,5 views - something I never thought I'd do - and it means a lot to me. Thank you all so much. And I'm sorry for saying thank you so many times that it may be annoying you and now I've said it again, so I'll stop. Just know I'm really grateful :)


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