Girl Meets Ring Power

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The group decided to go out to diner again. They went to the same restaurant as they had gone the first night. Josh and Maya hadn't spoken anymore after the kiss and there was an awkward silence between them. Farkle, not noticing anything, walked next to them. He kept talking the whole time. Maya was actually kind of grateful for that as it meant she didn't have to say anything. Even though they had been on the island for a few days already, she still admired everything around her. The tropical flowers, the green, the shimmering ocean. She sighed. Why did she ever have to leave this place? She wished she could live here forever, but was pretty sure her mom wouldn't be pleased with moving to another state. 'Whatcha thinking about?' Maya snapped out of her thoughts. She hadn't noticed Farkle leaving. He was now walking next to Zay and Vanessa. It had been Josh whose voice she'd heard. 'Sorry, what did you say?' 'So, um, you're thinking about that, too...' he said awkwardly. 'What?' 'You know, er- what happened earlier.' Here we go, Maya thought. The conversation she'd rather avoid. 'Um, no, I was actually just thinking about how nice Hawaii is and-' 'It's okay. You don't have to make up some story. I've been thinking about it too.' He thought she'd been thinking about the moment they'd shared earlier that afternoon. 'No, really, I wasn't.' It didn't mean she hadn't been thinking about it earlier, though. 'Should we tell the others?' Josh asked. 'No!' Maya said a little bit too fast and too loud. Zay turned around. 'Everything okay?' he called. 'Yeah, we're fine. Sorry', Maya answered. 'I mean, not yet.' Josh looked a little bit disappointed. 'First we have to figure some things out ourselves and we don't need the rest interfering.' Josh nodded. That sounded like rational thinking. 'Yes, that's probably the best option. But since they are all up front and we're the back row, we could-' He took her hand. '-walk hand in hand?' Maya shot him a little smile. She felt a weird feeling in her stomach and didn't know whether it was because she was nervous or because she had butterflies. She brushed a strand of hair away with her other hand and tucked it behind her ear. They walked in silence for a few more minutes until they reached the restaurant.

Everyone was hungry and were relieved when they could finally order. 'I'll have the burger with french fries and a diet coke, please', Riley said to the waiter. The others ordered the same thing. The waiter returned with their drinks and a basket with slices of bread. 'Food!' Zay exclaimed and he started munching on the bread. Vanessa cleared her throat loudly to get Zay's attention. He looked around and noticed everyone was looking at him. His hands were full of bread. 'Um, we can share...' Vanessa looked satisfied. Zay fed her a piece of the bread. Josh and Maya sat on opposite ends of the table. Riley caught them glancing at each other every once in a while and she could feel some tension. 'I need to go to the bathroom', she announced. 'Maya?' 'Yes, Peaches?' she asked, clearly not getting the message. 'I said I needed to go to the bathroom. The bathroom.' 'I can go with you if you want', Vanessa offered and she gave Riley a friendly smile. 'Aw, that's very sweet of you, Vanessa, but, um, Maya needs to go too, don't you?' Maya looked up from her food. 'Don't you, Maya?' Riley repeated, trying to send her friend a mental message. 'Um, yeah, I guess so.' 'Good', Riley said as she rose from her chair. She ignored the weird looks the others were giving her. She took of towards the bathroom and Maya followed her.

Riley shut the bathroom door and leaned on one of the sinks. 'What's going on between you and my uncle Josh?' she asked Maya, who was a bit shocked by that question. 'What do you mean? I'm fine. Nothing's going on. Did I mention I am fine?' Riley gave her a sympathetic look. 'Rambling about how fine you are usually means something happened. You don't have to, but I would appreciate it if you told me what's going on. Ring power.' Maya looked at the ring around her finger. It was identical to the one Riley was wearing. This was the first time she regretted establishing the ring power-rule, since she was the one using it the most. 'Fine. But swear you won't tell anyone else. Ring power.' 'Ring power', Riley said solemnly. 'Okay...' Maya took a deep breath. 'You don't know about this, but Josh and I had a fight.' 'I do know. Lucas told me.' Riley instantly regretting saying that and covered her mouth with her hand. Maya's eyes widened. 'He did what? It doesn't matter. As I was saying, we had a fight. And when I talked to him, it only made things worse.' Riley felt sad for her friend. She knew Maya really liked Josh. 'Aw, Maya, I'm so sorry. I'm sure you'll figure things out.' 'Yeah, that's the thing... We kind of did already.' She stopped talking, but it was obvious there still was more to the story. 'And?' Riley asked curiously. 'Josh kissed me!' Riley started jumping up and down. 'Oh, Maya, that's awesome! Amazing. Fantastic. Formidable. Call it whatever you want.' She hugged her friend. 'You and Josh!' Her expression suddenly changed from pure happiness to shock. 'You and Josh!' she exclaimed. 'Oh my God, Maya, you kissed my uncle!' Riley looked like she was about to faint. 'Technically, he kissed me.' 'But you didn't stop him!' Maya put one of her hands on Riley's shoulder. 'Riles, it's okay. I'm happy for you and Lucas, so I'd like it if you were happy for me as well.' The look in Riley's eyes softened. 'I suppose you're right. And you've had a crush on him, like, forever', she said with a grin. Maya elbowed her, laughing. 'That's not true. But I'm glad you're okay with it.' 'I am', Riley said, 'but it'll take me a while to get used to the idea of the two of you being together and you being my aunt.' Maya was still laughing. 'For that to happen I'd have to marry him first. We're not even dating yet', she said. 'Yeah, but dating is overrated. You should propose to him right here, right now', Riley joked. Maya giggled. Riley gave Maya another hug. 'I mean it. I really am happy for you.' Maya sighed in relief. She was glad she told her best friend.

Hi everyone :) This is the new chapter. I hope you all liked it! I usually don't update during school days, but I had some spare time. Writing a chapter normally takes me at least an hour and I'm really busy with homework and tests, so I will only be able to update on Fridays and in the weekend(and when I have spare time). I'm really grateful for those who voted on previous chapters and for all of you readers :) Thank you so much. It really means a lot to me!


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