Girl Meets Competition

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'Hi', Maya said as she entered the living room. It was only 8 a.m. and she didn't really expect anyone to be up, but she said 'hi' anyway. But there was someone up. 'Good morning', she heard a voice coming from the kitchen. 'Oh, hey, Josh. Didn't know you were up yet.' She walked through the kitchen's door. 'I'm an early bird', he said, smiling at her. Maya stared at her reflection in the oven's door, mentally cursing herself for not brushing her hair before she went downstairs. She ran her hand through her hair quickly. Without thinking about it, she said, 'Josh, I need to talk to you. Alone.' He was quiet. 'You know, without all the others.' He looked her in the eyes. 'Yeah, I know what the definition of 'alone' is, Maya.' Maya looked down. 'Just pointing it out', she said, shrugging. 'Um, when do you want to talk?' 'How about now?' Josh bit his lip. 'Now?' 'Yeah, why not? The others are sound asleep.' Josh thought about that for a moment. 'Okay, that's fine by me. What do you want to talk about?' 'Not here', Maya said. 'How about we go for a little walk?' she suggested. 'In our pajamas?' Josh said, looking at their outfits. 'I don't mind as long as you don't, either.' That made Josh laugh. He liked that she didn't care about how she looked. And honestly, he thought she looked beautiful - even in her blue-and-grey nightwear. 'Sure', he said. They decided to go to the beach. They'd already missed the sunset, but it would still be pretty. And probably no one was there yet, so it gave them a great opportunity to be alone for a while. So they thought.

They held hands during their walk to the beach - something Maya had gotten familiar with. She loved those moments she spent with him, trying not to think about what would happen when they got back to New York. As she took a deep breath, Josh asked, 'Is everything okay?' Maya exhaled. 'Yeah, of course.' She squeezed his hand as a confirmation of what she'd just said. They finally reached their destination and took a few moments to take in the beautiful view of the calm ocean that was shimmering in the light the sun had to offer in the early morning. 'Wow', Maya said. She reminded herself to come visit this exact spot the next morning so she could draw it and capture the moment. 'I know', Josh said. Maya wrapped her arms around him and he put his around her. After a few minutes of hugging, they let go. 'So, can you tell me now what you wanted to talk about?' Maya nodded and cleared her throat. 'You remember when Shawn asked me if I was okay with him proposing to my Mom, and I panicked?' Josh nodded. 'Yeah, that was only a few days ago.' 'You followed me', Maya continued. 'You comforted me, helped me, made sure I was okay. And I know I said thank you, but I never really told you how much that meant to me.' 'Maya, you don't have to-' 'Yeah, I do. I don't really know what to say. I practiced this conversation in my head, yet I wasn't able to find the right words. I wanted to say the perfect things, because you saved me that day. If it wasn't for you, I might have told Shawn not to propose because I was scared. If it wasn't for you, one of the best things in my life hadn't happened. I can never thank you enough for what you did. For giving me the confidence and the power to believe in something good.' She didn't wait for him to say anything, she just leaned toward him and pressed her lips on his. He was surprised by her sudden action, but relaxed after a few seconds. Josh's lips felt soft and Maya felt herself melt as he kissed her back. It was almost painful to her when they broke the kiss. She wanted to stay like that forever. 

They walked alongside the ocean for about forty minutes. Maya had expected a lot of silence, but, to her surprise, they kept talking the entire time. About lighter subject, mostly, but they also had deeper conversations. 'I'm going to get us some breakfast', Josh announced. They saw a tiny beach café. 'Sounds great', Maya said, suddenly craving croissants. They gave each other a quick kiss and after that, Josh took off. Maya sat down in the sand, watching as she saw her crush walk away. How  lucky am I to have someone like him?   Maya thought. She finally turned her head back toward the ocean when Josh was out of sight. For a little while, she just sat there, looking at how the waves were crashing against the shore and then pulled back. She sighed, wishing this holiday could last forever. But every second she spent here, admiring the ocean, she came closer to the end of the holiday. They luckily still had a week left. And it's gonna be great!  She enjoyed the feeling of peace and serenity inside her. The way the soft summer breeze felt. And she even liked having this little moment of alone-time. But that was soon crushed when someone sat down next to her. 'Hi', the person said. She could hear it wasn't Josh. So much for alone time, Maya thought, slightly annoyed. She looked next to her, right in the face of a guy she didn't know. He had hazel eyes and short, brown hair. 'Hi', she said. Maya felt a little bit uncomfortable, but she tried to not let it show. Who was this guy? Why did he sat down next to her? She looked behind her, but there was no sign of Josh. 'I'm Evan'', the boy said. Maya noticed he was about her age. He was kind of cute, but not really her type. 'Maya', she simply said. There was an awkward silence, but then, the boy - Evan - broke the ice. 'So, you live here or are you on vacation or something like that?' 'Why do you want to know?' 'Just trying to have a conversation.' Maya tried to push the initial annoyance away and told herself Evan was just being nice. 'I'm on a holiday with my friends.' 'Cool', Evan said. 'You?' Maya asked. 'Me, I live here.' Maya looked around, like this was the first time she saw the island. 'Seems nice.' Evan nodded. 'It is. Just a little... deserted.' 'How come?' Maya didn't want to show any interest, but she actually was starting to get a little curious. 'Well, we're in the middle of the ocean. Mainland is far, far away', he said, looking at the ocean. Then, he shifted his gaze back to Maya. 'Making connections with tourists in the summer, only to have them leave after a few weeks. Kinda sucks.' Maya could see how that was hurting. 'Yeah, but this island has so much to offer. I think I'd like to live here', she said, not knowing where those words came from. But she realized just then that she could, in fact, she herself living on the beautiful Kauai. 'Where are you from?' Evan asked her. 'New York', she replied. 'Ah', he said, 'a city girl.' Maya didn't know what to say. 'And you're a tough girl. One who can take care of herself, doesn't really need anyone else.' Maya looked at Evan. 'I do need some people. Some who are very important to me. But... the tough part is kind of correct. How'd you know?' 'I can see it in your eyes.' 'What can you see?' 'I see you're a great girl, with lots of potential. But you didn't have the best youth. Loneliness. Feeling abandoned. I also see hope in you, and happiness. But you have a troubled mind. Are you dealing with something right at this moment?' Maya bit her lip. She couldn't just spill all of her problems to a stranger, right? 'I want to help you', Evan said. He slid his arm away from the sand and put it around Maya's shoulder.

Maybe it had been better if Maya had looked around now. She would've seen Josh coming. He was walking down the beach with a huge smile on his face. And, walking? It was more like skipping. He looked like he was ready to burst from happiness, which was kind of rare for a boy who usually tried to hide his feelings. Those euphoric feelings didn't last long, however, as he saw the boy next to Maya, with his arm around her. Josh dropped the bag he was holding. A few sandwiches, croissants and drinks spilled out. He started to run away, as far away as he could from Maya and this girl-snatcher.

Maya felt the arm of Evan around her, the guy who was practically a stranger. 'Uh, could you, like, not do that?' she said. 'Do what?' 'That!' He frowned. 'I don't know what you mean.' 'Get your arm off me!' she snapped. She didn't mean to sound so, well, rude, but she didn't like what this guy was doing. This wasn't just friendly anymore. 'I'm sorry', he said. 'I thought-' 'You thought wrong! I have a...' What did she have? She didn't know. Josh and her weren't officially a couple yet, but he wasn't just a friend, either. 'I understand', Evan said. 'Well, if you ever want to talk, I'm here', he said, before walking away. Maya felt bad for her sudden outburst, but shouldn't he know better than to go around and touch strangers whenever he felt like it? The only person she felt like being intimate with was Josh. And Riley, of course, but that was in another way than holding hands and kissing. Speaking of Josh, what was taking him so long? She stood up and brushed the sand off of her pajama bottoms. She looked around, hoping to spot her crush somewhere. No luck. She decided to go look for him. And so she went.

She finally found him a couple hundred meters eastwards. He was throwing some rocks into the ocean. He hadn't noticed her. And if he did, he was good at hiding it. 'There you are!' Maya said. Josh looked up. He didn't look very happy. 'What's wrong?' Maya asked. Josh walked over to her. 'Um, nothing. I'm fine.' 'Then why didn't you come to me? And where's the food?' Josh desperately tried to find a good excuse for the fact he had dropped the bag of food after he'd seen Maya with that unfamiliar guy. 'The shop was closed', he said. 'Oh... Okay. I guess we should start heading back to the mansion, then', Maya said. 'The others soon will be up, too.' Josh nodded. 'Or', Maya added, 'we could stay here for a little longer and enjoy the view.' Josh took a deep breath, not sure whether this was the time to confront Maya with what he'd seen. He wanted to know why she'd done what she'd done and who that guy was. No, he decided. This wasn't the time. He saw the look on Maya's face, and even though he was hurt by her actions, he couldn't bare to wash away that happy face. 'Sure', he said. 'That sounds great.' Maya smiled a big smile. She stood on the tips of her toes and leaned in for a kiss. Their lips met. But Maya didn't feel the same warmth she usually felt around Josh. Something seemed off. She tried not to think to much about it. Everything was fine, she told herself. That just wasn't how Josh felt. He didn't want to ruin the moment for her, though, and didn't break away. He enjoyed the kiss, but it just didn't feel right after what had happened. He saw the memory of the boy's arm around Maya's shoulder flash before his eyes. After a while, they broke the kiss. Maya looked at Josh adoringly. 'I love you', she said. And as much he wanted to say the same thing, Josh didn't know what to do next.

Hi everyone :) Here's the new chapter of Girl Meets Hawaii. It's twice as long as the usual chapters, so I hope I didn't bore you with it. It's a Joshaya one, next will be Rucas(and maybe more Joshaya, I'm not sure yet. This boy, Evan, is the guy from Girl Meets Ski Lodge, but in this story, he lives on Hawaii. But I wanted to make sure everyone knew it was in fact him and not some random boy. I hope you liked the chapter! Thank you all so much for reading. And a special thank-you to those who have been voting on previous chapters, I really, really appreciate it♥ I wish you all an amazing day!


Girl Meets Hawaii(Joshaya & Rucas)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin