Girl Meets Hurt

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Riley & Lucas

'It stopped raining!' Riley exclaimed. She and Lucas were back in the cave. Even though her clothes were soaking wet and she was beginning to feel tired, she couldn't push the joyous feeling away. Being together with Lucas today had made her feel so happy. Lucas looked outside. 'Yeah... We should start heading back to the mansion soon, before it starts to rain again.' He looked into Riley's eyes and the two of them weren't able to hide their smiles from one another, as they recalled dancing in the rain. 'You're probably right', Riley said after a while. Lucas stood up and he offered her his hand. She took it and they stepped out of the cave. 'You do know the way back, don't you?' Riley asked, suddenly feeling unsure. The backpack had been soaked when the rain had started and, unfortunately, the map had been wrinkled and torn. 'No, not really', Lucas said in a serious voice. Riley stopped walking. An expression of fear and worry appeared on her face. 'What? You... you're kidding right?' Lucas didn't answer that question. Riley's eyes widened. 'You're- Oh my God, you're actually serious! Breathe, Riley, breathe', she told herself. She began pacing. A grin spread on Lucas' face and Riley saw it. She gave him a small push. 'Lucas! That was not funny! After what happened to Maya...' Riley trailed off. Lucas laid his hand on her shoulder. 'I know. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. It really scared you, didn't it? What happened to Maya, I mean.' Riley nodded. 'I'm sorry', she said. 'I overreacted. Just please don't do things like that anymore, okay?' 'I won't, I swear', Lucas said solemnly. 'So... just to be sure, you do know the way, right?' Lucas gave her a small smile. 'Of course. I remembered it a long time before we even went to Hawaii.' Riley didn't believe he actually went through all that trouble - just for her. She thought it was sweet of him. 'Well, shall we go then?' They took off.

Maya, Farkle & Josh

'It's so beautiful out here', Maya said. The three of them were walking near the mansion. They were surrounded by green bushes, trees and exotic flowers. 'Sure thing', Farkle said. 'No, I take it back. ''so beautiful'' doesn't begin to cover it. It's the most beautiful place I've ever been to.' 'Really?' Farkle said. 'I mean, it really is exquisite out here, but there are places I prefer.' 'That's because you have the money to travel around the world. And besides, even if I had the money, I'd still like this more.' The boys were silent. 'What?' Maya said. 'You've never been outside New York?' Josh asked carefully. 'No. Well, I have been when I was little, but I can't remember it. 'That was when my dad...still lived with us and we still had enough money to afford a trip like this. And like I said it was a really long time ago. I can't recall anything.' After a moment of silence, Josh put his arm around Maya's shoulder. 'You know what? When we come back from Hawaii, I am going to take you somewhere for a few days - I'm not going to tell you the location, yet - and you can experience life outside the Big Apple. We could even go on a road trip through all of the States', he joked. 'That's very nice of you, but I don't mind not going on holidays or city trips and stuff like that. You don't have to do that for me and I certainly don't have the cash to pay for the trip.' 'No, it's all on me. You deserve it.' Maya felt herself blushing and she saw the satisfied look on Farkle's face. His eyes sent her a message: ~Told you so.~  She shot him a look that said:~Don't you dare! I will make sure you'll never be able to say a word again.~ Josh, not noticing the looks between the two friends, did feel a little bit awkward about what he'd just proposed. 'Um, and of course we could bring Riley. She'd love it.' Maya nodded. 'Yeah, I think so too.' 'Okay, that's settled...' Everybody feel silent. Going on a trip with Josh? Spending a few days with him alone? Of course Riley would be there, but still... Going on a trip with Josh? she thought again. Hell no! 'I guess I'll have to ask my mom first. She's very strict. I don't think she will let me go', Maya lied. 'That's not true. She'd probably like it if you could spend sometime out of the city', Farkle said. 'And besides, Josh is with you. He'll make sure you're okay and he will be around you all the time.' Maya was surprised to notice herself feeling insecure instead of annoyed by Farkle's comment. All. The. Time. The words echoed in her head. 'I can talk to her if you want', Josh suggested. 'No, I'll take care of it', Maya said. 'I will call her when we get back. For now, let's just enjoy this holiday.' 

After an hour of walking, they were back at the mansion. Maya decided to call her mom and try to convince her to disapprove of Josh's idea. She took her phone and dialed her mom's number.

'Hi mom!' 'Hi sweetie! How is your holiday?' Maya thought about the fight and her own incident. Maybe it was for the best if she didn't tell her about those things. 'Everything's great. I love Hawaii. I'm actually thinking of painting the view I have from my balcony.' 'Oh, that sounds nice.' Maya wanted to talk about Josh, but decided to wait for a little while. 'How's everything at home?' She could hear her mother sigh. 'Same as usual.' 'You sound tired? Is everything okay?' Maya was suddenly worried. 'Yeah, everything's okay. There's just a lot on my mind right now. But I'm glad you're having a good time.' Maya thought it was time to bring up the whole trip-with-Josh-thing. 'Er, mom, there's actually something I wanted to talk to you about.'

'So yeah, you have to say you don't want me to go. Please, mom.' She explained Josh's plan to her mom, who thought it was really nice of Josh to invite her. 'Why don't you want to go, sweetie? It sounds like fun and Josh is a nice kid. And you always like hanging out with Riley.'
'First of all, he's not a kid. He could be my father.' She knew she had exaggerated, but hey, she had to get her mom on her side. 'And second of all, this is not about me not wanting to hang out with Riley.' 'Oh, I get it', her mom said. 'You have a little crush on-'
'No, that's not it, Mom. I just... I can't explain.' She heard a noise in the hallway and looked up. Everything was silent. It was probably imagination, she thought. 'I really don't want to go on this trip. So please tell Josh you don't want me to go. Problem solved.' 'Maya, I'm not going to lie to him.' Maya felt irritated. Why couldn't her mom just agree to do it? 'Mom, you have to! I'd rather go to school those days than go on that trip. And you know I hate going to school, so you know how much I don't want to go on his crazy holiday-idea. I'm not going anyway and if you just... I don't want to hurt his feelings.' Maya felt a pang of sadness inside. On the one hand, spending those days with Josh sounded like a dream coming true. But on the other hand, she just couldn't go. 'Okay, sweetie. If that's what you want.' Another noise in the hall. Maya walked towards her bedroom door. She didn't see anything in the hallway and decided it was another imaginary sound. 'Sweetie, I have to go', her mother said. 'I really want to talk to you, but new customers just came in.' Maya gave herself a mental slap for nothing thinking about her mom's work. 'I'm sorry. I totally forgot. I didn't mean to interrupt you.' 'No, no that's fine. But I really have to go now.' 'Okay. Bye Mom!' 'I love you, darling.' 'I love you too', Maya said. She was relieved that her mom was willing to help her get the idea out of Josh's head. If she told him she didn't want to go, she didn't have a good reason. The only thing that she could probably say, was: ''I don't like you, so I'm not spending any of my free time with you.'' And that would be really hurtful to him. This was the best option. She felt a little bit guilty for letting her mom doing the dirty work, but what choice did she have? She didn't want to hurt Josh.

But Maya didn't know she already had. He overheard some of the things she'd said, standing by her bedroom door. When she had looked to see if someone was there, he'd already left. ''Mom, you have to! I'd rather go to school those days than go on that trip. And you know I hate going to school, so you know how much I don't want to go on his crazy holiday-idea. I'm not going anyway and if you just... I don't want to hurt his feelings.''  Josh kept replaying those words in his mind, over and over again. How could I have been so stupid not to notice she actually despised me? he asked himself. How could I have ever thought there might have been something... That doesn't matter anymore. She clearly hates me. It's better if I just stay away from her from now on. He took a deep breath and walked outside to get some fresh air. 'I'm such a fool', he said to himself. 'Falling for someone who'd never look at me the same way.'

Hi everyone! This is the new chapter. I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I hope you liked it! By the way, in the series, everybody knows Maya likes Josh. In this story, it's more of a secret(though Riley and Farkle know about it). Thanks for reading :)


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