Girl Meets Home

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'All passengers must fasten their seat belts', a voice boomed from the speakers in the airplane. Riley had already fastened hers and made herself comfortable in her chair. Next to her was Maya who was also sitting next to Zay. The other boys were seated on the other end of the aisle. The adults were sitting on the other end of the plane. Auggie was with them. Everyone but Zay was chatting loudly. 'Hey, why are you so quiet?' Maya asked him. 'I miss her already', Zay replied. They had to leave Vanessa, whose parents were going to come to Hawaii for a week and after that, she would fly back to Texas with them.

'Vanessa, aren't you coming with us?' Riley had asked her, confused. 'I wish I could', Vanessa said. There was a sad look on her face. 'But I don't live in the same place as you guys.' 'Oh...' Riley said, like it was just then she found out Vanessa was from another state. 'Right. I'm sorry, I forgot.' 'It's fine. I get it. I've only been with you guys for three weeks and I feel like I've known you all my life. I'm gonna miss you so much.' Maya walked over to her. 'We're going to miss you too, Vanessa.' Vanessa shot her a smile. 'Yeah, and you can always visit us. Or we can come to Texas', Riley suggested. 'That would be great! And I'll be visiting Zay soon, anyway, so maybe we can do something together while I'm in New York.' 'Sounds great', Maya said. She and Riley both hugged Vanessa and then let the others say their goodbyes to her. When it was Zay's turn, he didn't really know what to say. He just looked at her, the usual spark in his eyes suddenly missing. 'Hey, I'll be seeing you soon', Vanessa said in an attempt to cheer him up. 'Soon isn't soon enough', he said ruefully. Vanessa took his hand in hers. 'I know this long-distance thing isn't ideal, but to me you're worth it. Am I worth it to you?' she asked. 'Of course you are', he answered. 'I just wished-' 'Me too', Vanessa interrupted him. 'But it isn't that way and maybe it'll make seeing each other even more special.' Vanessa saw that the others were waiting for them to finish their goodbyes so they could check in. 'I'm already looking forward to our date in New York. You can show me all of your city. Now go.' Zay leaned in and kissed her on her lips. After a few seconds, their lips parted and Zay took a step back. 'I love you, Vanessa', he said. 'And I love you, Isaiah', she said, remembering how she used his full name the day he asked her to be his girlfriend. He gave her one last smile before turning around to join the others. Vanessa was glad he didn't see the tears rolling down her cheek.

'I know', Maya said. 'But she'll come to New York soon. And you can always talk to her via text or Skype.' 'Yeah, but that just isn't the same.' 'At least it's something.' 'That's true. But it's still... different.' 'Instead of moping around, what you should do is think of fun things to do when she visits you.' Zay thought about what Maya had just said. 'That's actually a pretty good idea. Thanks.' 'Hey, what are friends for?' Maya gave him a smile and gently nudged him.

Riley was almost sitting next to Lucas, with only the aisle separating them. He reached for her hand and Riley took his. The moment their hands touched, they suddenly heard an unmistakable loud coughing. Cory. Who else? Riley should've been a little annoyed, but she couldn't help but laugh. This was typical for her dad. Lucas laughed as well. But they didn't let go of each others hands. Cory decided to go for another method. 'Excuse me', he said as he suddenly stood right in front of his daughter and her boyfriend. 'I need to go to the bathroom and you're blocking my way.' A flight attendant rushed to him and said, 'Mister, you have to return to your seat right now and fasten your seat belt. We'll be taking off soon.' 'But-' Cory said, looking at Riley and Lucas' intertwined fingers. 'Mister, you really have to sit down. Now', the flight attendant said, this time more sternly. 'Fine.' He walked away. 'Your father?' the flight attendant asked Riley, smiling. 'Yep', she replied, returning the woman's smile.

It was a long flight to New York. At first, everyone was sad as they saw Hawaii becoming smaller and smaller as the plane went up. But then, the past three weeks washed over everyone and as tired as they were, all of them fell asleep. Except for two. 'You still awake?' Maya asked Josh. He looked up. 'Yeah. I don't really feel like sleeping.' 'Me neither.' They didn't say anything for a while, until Josh broke the silence. 'Do you remember our flight to Hawaii?' he asked her. 'Yeah, I guess. Why?' 'I remember you falling asleep on my shoulder and me thinking about how lucky I was to be there in that moment with you. And also how I could never tell you about it. And now, I feel like I can. Just so you know, that moment, just being there with you, it meant a lot to me.' Maya looked at the ground for she didn't want Josh to see her blushing. 'I remember waking up with my head on your shoulder', Maya began, 'and feeling like the happiest girl in the world. And I also remember knowing that I would not ever be able to tell you about my feelings for you. I'm glad I did get that opportunity.' Josh smiled at her. 'I think I am going to try to sleep for a little bit', she then said. 'Sweet dreams', Josh said.

When she woke up, she could she city lights approaching. New York. Riley woke up, too. 'We're home', she said. 'A lot is going to change in the future', Maya said, 'but our friendship will always remain. Ring power.' 'Ring power', Riley said, giving her friend a sweet smile. 'Thunder.' 'Lightning.' 'I'm ready for what's awaiting us', Riley said. 'Me too. As long as I'm with you.' 'That, we know, will never change.'

Hello everybody :) This was the final Girl Meets Hawaii chapter! I can't begin to say how grateful I am for all of your support throughout the book, it means the world to me! Thank you all so much for reading. And a big, special thanks to those who have voted on previous chapters :) I hope you all liked it and I can't wait to write the sequel! Thank you guys so much! I wish you an awesome day :D

Lots of love,

Girl Meets Hawaii(Joshaya & Rucas)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora