Girl Meets True Love

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After five more minutes of giggling and preparing for the date, Riley and Maya finally went downstairs to meet up with their dates, Lucas and Josh. 'Is it weird that I'm not nervous anymore?' Maya asked her friend, while walking down the stairs. 'Nah, I guess not. And, besides, it's not possible to me more nervous than Josh. If he'd left the room faster, he'd probably have made a hole in the door instead of bumping into it.' Maya laughed, recalling Josh's little incident when he'd seen her after the make-over. Maya caught a glimpse of her date as she descended the steps. Suddenly, she stopped moving. 'Ooh', Riley said immediately, 'Are we stopping?' 'I'm not stopping', Maya replied. 'I'm resting.' 'Or are we starting to get nervous? I mean, you stopped, or ''rested'' when you saw my Uncle. Maya didn't answer. She felt a strange flutter in her stomach - a good one. 'Hey, Josh', she greeted him. He smiled at her, admiring the way her blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders, and how her blue eyes were shimmering. 'Hi', Riley said to Lucas. 'Hi', he answered. 'You... You look really nice, Riley.' Just before the girls had left the room, Riley had replaced her shorts and blue top for a short, red dress. It was the kind of dress you like to twirl around in. Riley felt herself blushing. Lucas offered her his arm. 'You look pretty nice yourself, too', she said as she took his arm. 'Everybody ready?' Josh asked. The others nodded and after that, the couples were off on their dates.

'It's so beautiful out here', Riley said, looking around. They were near the Kalalau valley, overlooking the green hills and the deep-blue ocean. Little flowers were blossoming in the grass. Riley hadn't expected to be surprised after spending three weeks in the beautiful Hawaiian scenery, but she was still amazed by the valley's beauty. 'I agree', Lucas said. The two of them had walked the whole way there together with Maya and Josh, but they had separated upon arrival. Riley and Lucas sat down on the soft grass. Lucas let out a long sigh. Riley looked at him and caught his gaze, and then turned away, her cheeks turning red. Being boyfriend-and-girlfriend didn't mean Riley wasn't nervous around him anymore. She felt comfortable talking to him, but sometimes, the butterflies and the giggles took over. 'It's a shame our time here is almost up', Lucas said. Riley nodded, trying not to let the sad thought get to her. So much great things - and admittedly, also a few less good things - had happened on the island and she found this holiday to be the best one she'd ever had. Her friends and family were with her and Hawaii was such a beautiful place. Stop thinking about it, Riley! she told herself. Just enjoy this moment!  'I'm really happy to be here with you, right now, this moment', Lucas said. Riley placed her hand on his. 'Me too.' She gave him a sweet smile.

A couple hundred yards away, Maya and Josh had also sat down and were now enjoying a sandwich. 'Hawaii has become like a home away from home to me', Maya said, while munching on a piece of chicken. 'I feel the same way. I wouldn't mind coming back one day. It's so nice to be here together with family and friends. And I can't begin to explain how good it feels to have you here with me.' Maya smiled and looked at the ground, flattered by the comment. 'I feel the same way', she said and looked up, meeting Josh's eyes. He shot her a warm smile. A smile she'd always loved to see. Josh took a strand of her hair and twisted around his finger, before leaning in to plant a light kiss on her lips. 'Feel like walking around for a bit?' she asked him. He nodded, even though they had just sat down.

The walked slowly, holding hands, and taking in the beautiful sights. 'What will it be like?' Maya asked. Josh frowned. 'What do you mean?' 'What will it be like when we get back. When we're home. Will we still be...?' She didn't need to finish her sentence. Josh understood. 'When we're home, Maya? Even though I love New York and Philadelphia, I wouldn't call them home. It's not about where we are, Maya, this - us - would've happened there, too, eventually. My home is not where my house or university is. It's where my family and friends are. Right now, I'm home. You're my home.' Maya bit her lip, trying to hold back a few tears. She had always been a tough girl, never cried a lot, but how many times had she been on the verge of tears during those three weeks? It confused her, but also felt like she was liberated from something. His home, he had called her. What was her home? Her mother, of course. And the Matthews' family, and her friends. But no one had ever called her their home. 'I'm really glad I'm here with you, Josh. Words can't explain how much.' 'You don't need to explain anything. I know how it feels.' They both leaned in for another kiss, when they suddenly heard someone shout, 'HO! Hold it!' They looked in the direction the words had come from and saw Riley and Lucas only a few yards to their right. They hadn't noticed the other couple. 'Can you please not do that here? I'm used to and like the idea of you together, but please do not snog in front of me!' Maya and Josh laughed. They sat down again. They were very close to each other, teasing Riley by hugging each other and sending each other air-kisses. 'Ugh', Riley said, but she couldn't hide a small smile. She had to admit, seeing her best friend and uncle that happy made her happy as well. She met Maya's eyes. And that was when they knew. They'd had so much fun in Hawaii with Josh and Lucas and spent so many time with them. The moments with their crushes were the big things, the ones they would talk about before going to sleep. But they weren't the ones that mattered most. They were very important to the both of them, sure, but the talking, that had been the best part. Riley and Maya, talking to each other late at night, recalling their dates and fully understanding the other one's feelings. That was when they knew that love wasn't only a typical boyfriend-girlfriend thing, something you have between you and your significant other. True friendship, that's what matters most. Not being just friends, but having each others backs and being family. 'Hey, Riles!' Maya called. 'Yeah?' Riley said as she looked up. 'I love you.' 'I love you too', Riley said.

Hey everybody :) I hope you liked this new chapters! There are only two more Girl Meets Hawaii chapters left and I want to thank you for supporting this story. Thanks so much for reading and a special thanks to those who have voted on previous chapters. I wish you all an awesome day!


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