Girl Meets Youth

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After dinner, the children were escorted back to the mansion by Shawn and Katy. Cory and Topanga wanted to stay a little longer. After Cory ordered a bottle of red wine at the bar, he returned to his seat across from Topanga. She smiled as he sat down. 'How lucky are we to have each other?'
Cory asked her. 'Very lucky. To have this great family and all these friends. We truly are blessed', she answered as she raised her glass. 'Cheers', she said. 'Cheers.' They both took a sip of their wine. None of them said anything for a moment as they enjoyed their drink and the view they got from sitting near the window. It was almost dark, but some things were still to be distinguished, like the waves crashing upon the shore and a couple walking on the beach. Cory reached over the table to take Topanga's hand in his. 'I'm so glad we came here', he said. Topanga nodded. 'Me too. I wouldn't want to have missed anything.' 'And maybe, just maybe, this isn't the last time we're here.' Topanga laughed. 'Are you saying we might return here?' Cory shrugged. 'If we can afford it.' Topanga thought about that. 'We'll make it work', she said. 'In the meantime', she continued, 'we have a wedding to look forward to.'  Cory smiled. 'That's true. I assume you and Katy have already planned out every single detail?' 'No.' Topanga tried to sound nonchalant, but the red color on her cheeks was giving her away. 'Okay, maybe we have thought of a few things', she said. Cory raised his eyebrows. 'Or maybe we, you know, planned a lot of things. Don't tell Shawn', Topanga added. 'Why not?' 'He'll freak out. You know, the reality of it all will hit him.' 'Um, he was the one who proposed.' 'Yeah, but all men freak out at the thought of a wedding approaching.' 'Hey, that's not true!' Cory protested. Topanga shrugged. 'We've already found a dress online', she said. 'Ooh, you have got to let me see it when we get back later!' 'Oh hell no, you'll tell and show Shawn!' 'That's not true either!' Topanga gave him a look that said, Are you kidding me?  'Fine. Have your little secrets', Cory said, a little disappointed. 'Now, where were we before all this wedding-talk?' 'Returning to Hawaii some time', Topanga said. 'Oh yeah.' Cory smiled. 'I already can't wait.' Topanga laughed at that. 'We haven't even left the island yet!' 'So let's enjoy every single moment we have left', Cory said. He raised from his chair. 'Wanna go for a little walk?' he asked as he offered Topanga his hand. She took it and stood up. 'I'd love to.' Cory paid for dinner and after that, they left the restaurant. It was a good thing that the restaurant was so close to the ocean. As soon as they stepped out of the place, their feet sank away in the soft, Hawaiian sand. They walked towards the water, feeling a cool breeze brush through their hair. 'Feels like old times. Like we're teens again', Topanga said. 'Although', she added, smiling, 'some of us never grew up.' She was clearly referring to Cory. Maybe he should've been a little offended, but instead, he laughed and pulled her closer for a peck on the cheek. 'I don't miss being young, though. I wouldn't want to go back for even one day. I am so happy with our family, I can't even bare the mere thought of not being with them for a day.' 'You left them to go to Hawaii for three whole weeks', Cory said. 'You know what I mean', Topanga replied. 'I don't want to live in a world without them. And as much as I love this moment, here with you, walking on the beach with the wind in or hair and with it just being the two of us, it's nothing compared to returning to the mansion and seeing our children there.' Cory nodded. 'It's been a really nice evening. But maybe we should go back.' 'Yes', Topanga agreed. 'But... can we stay just a few more minutes?' Cory nodded. 'Sure', he said. He took off his jacket and put it around his wife, protecting her from the chilly evening air. They just stood there, facing the ocean, Cory's arm around Topanga's shoulder. It might've not seemed all that special to anyone else, but for them, it was.

Hey everyone! :) I hope you liked this new Cory/Topanga chapter. Thank you so much for reading and thank you to those who have been voting on previous chapters, I really, really appreciate it :) There's only one chapter left, and shortly after that, the first chapter of Girl Meets Wedding Bells will be released. I wish you all a great day! And if you have any comments, questions or pieces of advice, feel free to share them in the comment section below :) Also, I have a little question for you: What's your favorite episode from Girl Meets World? (I'm just curious :D)


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