Girl Meets Here for You

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Everyone went to bed early that night. They were planning on getting up early the next morning to visit Cory again. One part of the group would go in the morning with Shawn, and the other half would leave when Shawn and the others returned to the mansion. Riley couldn't sleep. She was still thinking about her dad. It had become clear he wasn't in any life-threatening danger, but she worried about him anyway. 'Maya?' she whisper-asked, not sure if her friend was already sleeping. A few seconds, she heard nothing, but then: 'Yes, Riles?' Riley wasn't sure what to say next. She wanted to talk about what had happened, the accident and all, but she didn't want to bother her friend with it. 'Riley, if you want to talk about what happened to your father, I get it. I'm here for you.' Riley rolled over to her side, so she could face Maya. 'Thanks. I'm here for you, too. And I know everything will be okay, but it just... It just doesn't feel that way. I feel like it's too early for me to think nothing bad's gonna happen. What if he falls asleep tonight and doesn't wake up anymore? What if his injuries become worse? What if-' 'Riley, stop, slow down, and breathe.' Maya lifted her arms up as a gesture for Riley to inhale, and then put them back down as a sign to exhale. Riley was shaking. Maya stepped out of her bed and walked over to Riley's. She then sat down and laid her hand on her best friend's shoulder. 'Maya, how can I be sure he's going to be alright?' Maya held back a few tears, caused by seeing her friend so sad and by the accident. 'Riley, I don't know. I don't know everything. What I do know is that he's strong and that I believe in him. You believe in him. That's what matters most.' Riley bit her lip. 'But...' 'Just have faith, Riles. You always told me to, and now it's my turn to help you.' Riley knew her friend was right. And yes, she had always had a lot of faith in practically everything. But this, this was so close to her. Her own father. And as much she wanted to believe there was no danger for him anymore, she didn't. She couldn't. 'Will you stay with me tonight?' Riley asked, looking at Maya. They slept in the same room, but Riley wanted someone next to her to take the anxiety away. 'Sure', Maya said gently, before crawling under the covers next to her friend. Minutes later, Maya heard her friend breathing steadily, a sign that she was asleep. That night, unlike the night before, Riley had no nightmares. The fear in her taken away by her best friend's presence and warmth.

Riley and Maya didn't have to wake up early, since they were part of the group going to the hospital in the afternoon. But they did it anyway. They watched Josh, Zay, Vanessa, Katy and Shawn get into the car. Topanga was still in the hospital. Now, only Riley, Maya, Farkle and Lucas remained in the mansion. And Auggie, of course. They had breakfast together, except for Auggie, who was still sound asleep. Lucas had a hard time finding words to say what he wanted to Riley. In the end, it didn't even matter what he'd say. Most important now wasn't using the perfect, prepared sentences, but showing Riley his support. She needed to know he was there for her. 'Riley', he said when they were doing the dishes together. 'Yes?' 'I'm really sorry for what happened to your Dad.' Riley looked up from the plate she was cleaning. 'Oh, thanks.' She'd expected a little bit more than that. She didn't know what she wanted him to say, but she knew she'd liked a more support. 'I'm always here for you, when you want to talk. You know that, right?' Riley nodded. 'I know. And part of me wants to talk about it. Like, it feels like I need to talk about what happened. But the other part of me wants to let go and forget. What matters most is that he's still alive.' Lucas put down one of the glasses he was drying. 'Yeah, I mean, I get that, but talking is important. It will help you get over it.' 'Maybe I'm already over it', Riley snapped at him, surprised by the harshness in her own voice. 'No, you're not', Lucas said. He slowly walked towards her. 'How do you know?' 'I know you, Riley. I know you inside out. And if you think hiding how you feel about this, well, it's not going to help you.' 'I'm scared, Lucas', she said softly. Lucas brought one hand up to Riley's hair and twirled one strand of it around his index finger. He then placed his hands one her cheeks. 'I know you are. I'm scared, too. But what's important, is that we have each other. I'm here for you.' The same words Maya had said that night, yet they seemed different coming out of Lucas's mouth, Riley thought. Words of her best friend, words of her boyfriend... 'You'll never have to be scared as long as I'm with you', Lucas said, before leaning towards Riley. She leaned in as well and Riley felt a warm feeling spreading through her body as there lips met. Something inside her stomach fluttered. This was her first kiss with Lucas. After a few seconds, they parted. Riley looked into his green eyes. They twinkled. Like stars, she thought. Or like the sun shining on the ocean's surface, causing a glitter spreading over the water. So much had happened the past few days. She had thought those things were all bad, but now, standing there with him and looking into his eyes, she realized that something good had happened as well.

A few hours passed, but then they finally saw the car coming up the driveway. Josh, Zay, Vanessa and Katy stepped out of the vehicle, but Shawn remained inside. He was supposed to drive the others to the hospital and he wanted some more time with Cory. Maya walked up to Josh. 'Hey', she said. 'Hey.' 'Look, about yesterday, I'm sorry. I was being... It was rude of me to say what I said, especially in your situation and I-' She had put her hands in her hair, but Josh took them in his hands. 'Hey, it's okay. I get it. No need to apologize.' 'No, I do need to. It was mean of me.' 'Well, apology accepted. Now, go, I think they're leaving', Josh said pointing at the car, in which Riley, Farkle and Lucas were already sitting. 'You're right. See you later', she said, but it came out as more of a question. 'See you later', he said, giving her a smile. When he turned around, Maya took him by the shoulder and turned him around. Before he could react, she planted a kiss on his mouth and stepped back as quickly as she had moved toward him. She ran to the car, opened the door, and sat down on the seat next to Riley. Josh waved at them, slightly confused about what had just happened. But when the car turned around, Maya caught a glimpse of a grin on Josh's face.

Hello everybody! :D So, here's the new Girl Meets Hawaii chapter. I hope you all liked it! Next time, there will be more of Cory, Shawn and Topanga. Thanks so much for reading and as always, I'd like to give a special thank you to those who have been voting on previous chapters :)

I wish you all a very nice day!


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