Girl Meets Zip-Line #2

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With only a few days left in Hawaii, the group wanted to do something together. The group including the parents. 'What do you have in mind?' Topanga asked Lucas and Farkle, who came up with the idea.  'Well...' Farkle said mischievously. 'No, wait, Lucas, you tell them. I want to focus on their reactions.' 'Okay. Before you were here, we did something and it was amazing and it would be cool to do it with you.' 'Um, okay...' Topanga said hesitantly. 'What is it?' Lucas and Farkle exchanged a look. 'Zip-lining!' Lucas said enthusiastically. The adults didn't seem all to excited about that idea. 'Zip-lining?' Shawn asked. 'As in, flying in the air with only a piece of rope attached to you?' Topanga and Katy were looking at each other and shaking their heads. 'It's so much fun, you have to try it, Mom!' Riley exclaimed. 'I don't have to try anything. I'm your mother, not the other way round.' Riley sighed. 'I promise you, it's totally safe and it was one of the best things I ever did in my life.' 'And what about your father? He isn't ready to do such things?' Topanga said, pointing at Cory. 'Oh, I can wait downhill. Just enjoy myself a cup of coffee, while listening to your screams of terror.' Topanga gave him a stern look. 'Well, it's not up to me. Shawn and Katy don't want to go, either.' Katy bit her lip. 'Um, it actually sounds like fun now I think about it. I mean, I'm down if you are.' 'Actually you'd be going up', Lucas said. He was the only one who laughed at that. 'Oh come on! Nobody thought that was funny?' 'Go ride a sheep!' Maya said. Everyone tried to hide their smiles. 'Oh my God, you're actually laughing about that?' He sighed and sat down on one of the couches. Riley sat down next to him, patting his shoulders. 'Hey, it's okay', she said. 'Sheep can actually be kind of dangerous. You know, for bugs and grass.' Everyone except for Lucas laughed. 'Ha ha, laugh all you like, but I bet none of you have ever rode a sheep!' 'Yeah, lucky us. Imagine what could've happened', Maya said. 'We could've got lost in the fluffy, soft wool.'

After a lot of convincing, Shawn and Topanga agreed to go on the Zip-Line. But when they arrived, Topanga said, 'I'm going to stay with Cory. It's not much fun for him if he has to wait for us that long.' 'It's fine, Topanga', Cory said. 'I don't want you to miss out. Besides, it won't take that long and just watching is fine by me.' Topanga started to protest, but Cory interrupted her. 'Go have some fun. Do it for me.' After a quick hug, Topanga took off with the rest of the group.

Riley and Maya were the first to go. None of the parents wanted to go first. 'Ring power?' Maya said, to which Riley answered, 'Ring power'. Before they were attached to the security, the girls hugged and smiled at each other. 'Well, Riles', Maya said, 'Here we go!' 'You ready?' Riley asked. 'Born ready. Especially with you by my side.' Riley gave her one last smile, and after that the two girls were soaring through the sky. They felt the wind brush against their hair as they flew away from the group. 'Woohoo!' Riley and Maya yelled, and both girls threw their arms in the air. Next were Lucas and Farkle. 'You ready, cowboy?' Farkle asked his friend. Lucas nodded. 'You ready, genius?' 'I sure am.' They were followed by Zay and Vanessa. That left Topanga, Shawn, Katy and Josh. 'The men in this remaining group will set the example.' 'Yeah, after six teenagers had to go before them, because one of those 'men' was scared like a little girl', Katy teased him. When Katy and Topanga were the last ones, insecurities started to rise again. 'Together?' Topanga asked. 'Together.' And so they took off at the same time, holding each others hand and screaming at the top of their lungs. Cory was waiting at the end of the zip-line with the others, an amused look on his face. 'You did it!' he said. Topanga nodded, her throat dry from the screaming. 'So how did you like it?' Riley asked her mother. 'It. Was. Awesome! Can we do that again?' Everyone laughed. They went to the same restaurant the teens had gone to after their first zip-lining experience(or at least on Hawaii, since Josh had done it before).

'You know', Maya began when they were back at the mansion, sitting with Riley on the balcony of their bedroom, 'these weeks really have been the best of my life.' She looked at her best friend. Riley smiled. 'And they aren't over yet.'

Hello everyone :) Here's the new Girl Meets Hawaii chapter. I hope you all liked it. The story is slowly coming to an end, with not much chapters left. But, as you know, there will be a sequel :D

I've been working on this story for a while now, and like I said before, it hadn't been possible without your support. I remember how I was so excited and happy when I reached 100 views, and now the story has reached 60K, something I'd never imagined to happen. Thank you guys so much for reading! And thanks to those who've been voting on the previous chapters. Also, I was wondering of which couple you'd like a chapter. Rucas, Joshaya, Smarkle(via telephone), Zaynessa, Corpanga or Shawn/Katy. Please let me know in the comment section below :) I wish you all a great day!


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