Girl Meets Sunset

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The group began unpacking after exploring the house. They weren't exactly mad at Zay, but they didn't like the fact that he lied to them either. 'Maya, could you hand me my suitcase?' Riley asked her best friend. 'Sure.' She took the suitcase and started putting her clothes in the closet in her room. She shared the room with Maya. It was very nice and it was a big and light space. The walls were in a beautiful shade of blue that matched with the ocean blue covers on the beds. A door led to the balcony from which you had a great view. The ocean shimmered as the waves splashed on the quay. Through the open window, the girls could smell the salty sea. 'We should've known Zay was up to something', Riley said. 'How could we have known that? Besides, does it really matter?' Riley hesitated for a moment. 'I guess not...I like Vanessa. But I don't feel comfortable now that I know I lied to my parents.' Maya frowned at that. 'You didn't really lie. I mean, you didn't know what was really going on. And if you want, you can call your parents and tell them', Maya added. 'Nah, it's okay.' Riley decided to put her guilt away. 'Do you think we can go to the beach before dinner?' she asked. The group and Vanessa made plans to go eat in a restaurant near the shore to celebrate their first night there and their first holiday together. 'Um, maybe. I'll ask Vanessa. I'll be right back.' Maya left the room and Riley was alone. But not for long. Farkle entered. 'Beautiful, isn't it?' he said. 'You know, I've been doing some research. Want to hear some fun facts about Hawaii?' Riley gave him a smile. 'I'd love to, Farkle, but not right now, okay? Maybe you could tell us all about it at dinner. That way, everyone can hear it.' Farkle thought about that. 'Good idea, thanks Riley!' and he left the room as well. Riley laughed a little. She actually was kind of interested in what he had to say, but for now, she just wanted to enjoy the view and the fresh air. She rested her arms on the balcony rail and looked at the horizon. She heard a soft knock on the door in her room. 'Come in', she said. Riley could hear footsteps behind her. It was Lucas. He stood next to her. 'I wish my view in New York could be like this', Riley whispered. 'Me too', he said.

They kept standing at that exact spot for a few minutes, until Maya came back. 'Hey, Riles, I asked Vanessa and she said that...oh.' She saw Riley and Lucas standing next to each other, looking at the ocean. 'Am I interrupting something?' Riley turned around. 'No, of course not. What did she say?' Maya was temporary mad at herself for ruining their moment, but quickly recovered. 'She said we'd be leaving soon. But apparently, the restaurant is practically on the beach, so we can watch the sun set while eating dinner.' 'That's great!' Riley said enthusiastically. Lucas looked like he liked the thought of that as well. 'Well, I'd better get ready', he said and gave the girls a nod. ''Bye, Huckleberry', Maya said. Riley simply smiled.

'Wow, Riles. You two looked really cozy standing there.' Riley's cheeks flushed. That's not true. We're just friends. And I was just admiring the view.' Maya laughed at that. 'Yeah, right! The view of his green eyes.' Riley shot her an annoyed look. 'They probably aren't as pretty as my uncle's, right Maya?' Maya looked confused. 'Ew, do you think about your uncle in that way?' 'Wha-what?' Riley stuttered. 'That's not what I meant.' 'Sure sounded like it', Maya said laughing. 'What I meant is, that you probably spend as much time looking at Josh as I look at Lucas.' 'So you admit you look at Lucas often?' Maya teased her. 'Ughh, you're impossible', Riley said, but she couldn't hide her smile. 'Come on', she said. 'We should get ready for dinner.'

The food at the restaurant was unbelievably good. Vanessa had been right when she told Maya about the restaurant being situated on the beach. They soon finished their meal and decided to go for a stroll alongside the ocean. Maya was walking next to Zay. She held her flip-flops in her hand, her bare feet touching the water. 'So why did you tell us it was your aunt's house?' she asked, suddenly feeling curious about the situation. 'I don't know. I guess you would think that I'd only ask you to join me because my parents didn't allow me to go on a holiday with just her and you'd wouldn't want to come. But that's not true. I genuinely wanted you guys to come', he said. 'I believe you', Maya said. 'But shouldn't you be with her right now, then?' Zay looked at her. 'Yeah, I guess you're right. But I also like talking to my friends.' Maya gave him a smile. 'I know, but if there's one thing I know it's that there is nothing more romantic than a walk on the beach during sunset. You should go to her anyway.' She gave him a little push. He smiled at her and then ran towards Vanessa, who was talking to Josh and Lucas. Maya saw Vanessa's face lighting up when Zay joined the three of them. Lucas walked over to Farkle and Riley. Josh looked a little lost. Like he didn't know what to do. Maya looked at him and their eyes locked. He smiled a little and soon they were in a conversation. Maya found herself enjoying his company and was finally comfortable talking to him. After a while, they joined Riley, Lucas and Farkle. As the sun shone its last rays of light before the night began, Maya thought: This is going to be the best holiday ever.

Hello everyone! As you can see/read I decided to write a longer chapter this time. I hope you liked it :) If you have any comments or a piece of advice, feel free to post them below.


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