Girl Meets Riley

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It took them a while to get back to the mansion and when they finally arrived, the others had already woken up. Vanessa and Zay greeted them, hesitantly. Maya could see that they were confused to see her and Josh together. Lucas and Farkle were setting up the table. 'Where's Riley?' Maya asked Zay. 'I think she's in her room. But...' He stopped talking. 'But what?' Maya asked. 'But... I don't think she wants to see you right now.' Ouch. Even though Maya had expected that, it still hurt. 'Well, I don't care whether she wants to see me or not. We need to talk.' Zay shrugged. 'Suit yourself.' Maya went upstairs. She didn't bother knocking on the door. When she entered the room, she found Riley sitting in a chair on the balcony, enjoying the ocean view. 'Riles?' Maya asked slowly. No answer. She took small steps toward her best friend. Could she even call her her best friend anymore? She sure hoped so. 'Riley?' she asked again, this time not using her friend's nickname. 'Who is it?' Riley asked, without turning around. 'We both know you know it's me.' Riley sighed. 'Fine. What do you want?' 'Can we, um, talk?' Riley didn't say anything. Maya took it as a 'yes'. She sat down next to Riley. 'So, what do you want to talk about?' Maya looked surprised. 'Are you serious?'  Riley shrugged. 'Look, I know you're mad because I kissed Lucas', Maya started. 'Why would I be mad about that? Why would I be mad about my so-called best friend kissing the guy I like?!' 'Please, Riley, just calm down and listen to what I have to say. I don't like him. I don't like Lucas.' Riley snorted. 'Oh great, my best friend kissed my crush just for fun! Right when I thought it just couldn't get better.' 'I didn't mean to!' Maya said. There was a desperate tone in her voice. 'Oh really? So you didn't mean to hurt me or Lucas or my uncle Josh?' Riley said sarcastically. 'No, of course not', Maya said, her voice trembling. 'I explained to Josh what really happened and he believes me. It wasn't on purpose. I thought... I thought it was Josh.' Riley fell quiet for a moment, like she was considering what Maya had just said. 'You know, I have absolutely no reason whatsoever to believe anything you say. You just wanted those two guys to like you. Maybe I should call Smackle and warn her that you might make a move on Farkle as well. Oh and not to mention Zay.' 'Riley, you have to believe me! I don't like Lucas and if I'd known that it was him, I wouldn't have done what I did. I really thought he was Josh. Lucas is nice, and sometimes annoying - but that's not the point - but I would never look at him in a romantic way. The two of you are perfect together. And as for me... Riley, I'm in love with Josh.' She'd never said it out loud and shocked herself by saying those words out loud. She always knew she liked him, but it was like she finally realized it. 'I'm in love with Josh', she said again, this time more to herself. Riley shifted in her seat. 'It really was a mistake? You really thought it was my uncle?' Maya nodded. She had been so happy about her and Josh being sort of together, but it didn't matter. If she could turn back time, she would. Her and Josh... It wasn't worth it if she couldn't talk about it to her best friend. Josh meant a lot to her, but Riley meant more and now she had lost her best friend forever and- Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt Riley's arms around her. 'I believe you.' It was all she needed. She felt like she'd never been more happy and relieved in her entire life. 'I could never stay mad at you, Peaches. And I'm glad it was all just a misunderstanding.' Maya felt tears behind her eyes, but this time, she didn't hold them back. Soon, the two best friends were crying on each other shoulders. They weren't tears of sadness, though, but tears of happiness. Maya was the one to break away from the hug. 'I should talk to Lucas', she said. Riley felt anger and jealousy building up inside her. 'What?' 'I mean, to explain everything.' 'Oh. Okay. Do you want me to come with you?' Riley offered. Maya wanted to decline, but then she thought about it. Riley probably wanted to be around to check if there really wasn't anything going on. And she wanted to keep her best friend close now that everything was okay again. 'That would be nice', Maya said. And she locked arms with her best friend. Yes! she thought. My best friend. BFF! Oh yeah! I can call her that way because we are best friends and nothing will ever come between that. In her head, she did a little victory dance. She then walked away with Riley, smiling.

Hey everybody! :)  It's been a while since last update, but the new chapter is finally here! I hope you all enjoyed reading it. Thanks so much for 3K reads(I literally can't believe it, thank you guys so much!) and thank you to those who have voted on previous chapters. I hope to update soon.


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