Girl Meets Surprise

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Even though everyone had loved the zip-line experience, they were glad to be back at the mansion a few hours later. They had eaten in a restaurant nearby the zip-line and decided to go for a short walk after. When they entered the garden, they were still talking about the zip-line. 'Gosh, that was honestly the best thing I've ever done!' Vanessa exclaimed. Farkle nodded. 'Me too, but that was... wrrrrr.' He shuddered at the thought of the fear he'd conquered. Well, maybe the fear wasn't gone entirely yet. 'Can we please go again soon?' Maya asked. Riley felt proud, because it was her who had picked this activity and all of her friends had loved it. 'Anyone fancy a swim?' Josh asked, looking at the pool. 'Sure, it's so warm out here', Maya answered. 'First, I need to use the bathroom', Zay said. He practically flew through the doors, making weird penguin-like steps and jumps. Lucas laughed and followed him inside to get his swimming trunks. Riley and Maya raised their eyebrows, but then shrugged and entered the mansion as well. 'I can't wait to just get into the pool and-' The girls stopped talking, surprised by what they saw as they entered the living room.

2 hours earlier...

'Mmm... everything looks delicious', Maya said, looking at the menu. 'I agree', Lucas said. 'How can one possibly choose between all of these?' he said, pointing at the ice cream flavours. 'I'd rather have a sandwich, so yeah, I won't have to make that tough decision. I wish you all the best of luck, Huckleberry. But choose well, because it may influence the rest of your life.' Lucas rolled her eyes. 'Don't you have anything better to do than making fun of me? You know, like snogging Josh.' 'Damn, burn!' Zay exclaimed and he sprang from his chair. He quickly sat down when he saw the look on Maya's face. Maya couldn't think of a comeback. Why couldn't she think of one? She always had something to say! Josh just sat there awkwardly. Riley cleared her throat. 'The weather sure is nice today', she said, trying to draw the attention away from her best friend and her uncle. Maya looked at her grateful. How lucky am I to have a friend in my life like her? she thought. Lucas smiled at the table, finding Riley rescuing her friend cute. 'Why are you laughing, Lucas?' Farkle asked curiously. 'Er, nothing', he answered quickly. He started to blush. Riley, who was sitting next to him, took his hand with hers and gave him a light squeeze. Zay nudged Vanessa gently. 'Aww, look at those two lovebirds.' Vanessa smiled.

An hour later, they were already out of the restaurant and on their way home. All of them had been really hungry and in desperate need of food and they had devoured everything in less than ten minutes. 'We should've bought something to drink. My throat has never been this dry before', Lucas said. 'Then stop talking', Farkle said. 'Talking will only make it worse.' What was actually an hour felt like a whole year - no wait, an entire lifetime! But they managed to get back to the mansion. Everyone left for their rooms to get their bikini's and swimming trunks. Riley and Maya opened the door to the living room. They had never expected to happen what had just happened. They hadn't expected to see what, or rather who, they were seeing. 'Mom?' Riley said. 'Dad? Auggie?' Her family was on the couch. And next to them... 'Mom!' Maya exclaimed. 'Shawn! What are you guys doing here?' Everyone was happy to see one another again. After a while of talking, Shawn asked Maya: 'I need to talk to you, Maya. Do you have a minute?' Maya looked at Riley, who was currently talking to Auggie. 'Yeah, sure.' 'I would, um, like to talk somewhere private.' Maya nodded. 'Okay', she said. They went into the kitchen. She could hear the others - Zay, Vanessa, Josh, Farkle and Lucas - entering the room and greeting the newcomers. Maya wasn't entirely over the shock of her mother, Riley's parents and Shawn being there. He didn't really give her a lot of time to adjust to the new situation as he started talking. 'Maya, I want to ask your permission for something', he asked nervously. She could she him shaking a little bit. 'My permission for what?' she asked. Shawn stared down at his feet. 'My permission for what?' she said, demanding an answer. He cleared his throat and finally spoke. Little did she know the words he was going to say next would change her whole life. 'I want to marry your mother.'

Hiiiii everybody! Thanks for reading this chapter and voting on previous once :) I hope you liked this plot-twist. Will Maya give Shawn her permission to ask Katy to marry him? Find out soon. Again, thank you so much for all your support. I really appreciate it!


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