Girl Meets First Day, part I

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That night, they went to bed immediately after returning to the mansion. All of them were tired of the journey and wanted to sleep. The next day, Riley woke up around nine a.m. Maya, who was next to her and still sound asleep, was snoring loudly. Riley tried not to laugh out loud at the sound. She pushed herself up and tiptoed to the bathroom. She combed her hair and brushed her teeth, while trying to do all of that without making any noise. She quickly put on a pair of jeans with little, colored rhinestones and a red top. She decided to go to the backyard. It was a beautiful morning. The sun shone brightly and the birds chirped. Riley walked to one of the sunbeds near the pool and lay down. She brought one of her books and started reading. The sun hurt her eyes, so she put on her new pair of sunglasses she'd bought at Demolition.

'Well, someone's up early', a voice said behind Riley. She turned around and saw Zay. 'Yeah, I'm just enjoying the sun', she said. 'Hawaii is beautiful', Zay said. Riley nodded. It sure was beautiful. She couldn't wait to see more of the island*, even though she was also perfectly content with spending the rest of the day here - in the mansion. 'I don't know about you, but I feel like going for a swim', Zay said, looking at the pool. 'Want to join?' Riley hesitated for a moment. It sounded like fun. 'Sure.' She smiled. 'I'll be right back. I have to change first.' She ran up to her and Maya's room to grab and put on her bikini. It was orange with white and pink dots. Maya was still asleep. Riley couldn't help but giggle. She could scream as hard as she could and her best friend still wouldn't wake up. Ah well, the rest was still in bed as well. Zay and she seemed to be the only early risers. She returned to the backyard. Zay was already in the pool. Riley ran towards the water, shouting, and jumped into the pool. She took a deep breath and then went underwater. When she came back up for air, Farkle was standing at the side of the pool. 'Hey, Farkle', she greeted him. 'Do you want to swim with us?' Farkle frowned. 'Staying underwater too long will cause drowning. When your body needs oxygen, your first instinct is too take a breath. But if you do so while underwater, your lungs will fill up with water. And I'll tell you, that is not good. Zay rolled his eyes. 'Enough with the scientific talk. Do you want to the fun or not,my friend?' 'Nah, I'm good. Besides, I don't feel comfortable in swimwear. Riley shrugged. 'Okay.' She continued her swimming.

After an hour or so, she was too tired to go on. Zay was already out of the pool and was lying on a sunbed. She climbed out of the pool and started drying herself with a towel. 'Do you guys want me to make breakfast? I think the others will be up soon.' 'That's a good idea', Farkle said. 'Do you want me to help you?' he asked. 'If you would want to help, that would be great.' Riley and Farkle walked to the kitchen. 'Farkle?' 'Yeah?' 'Do you miss Smackle? I mean, now that you won't be seeing her for a few weeks.' She quickly added: 'I'm sorry if I'm being rude. I don't want to make you feel sad or uncomfortable or anything. I'm just curious.' Farkle smiled. 'Of course you're not being rude. I don't miss her yet, but I'm quite sure I will in about a week or so. But I have the memory of her beautiful, goofy face in my mind and I can't help but smile every time I think about her.' 'That is so sweet.' Riley sighed. 'You make a really cute couple.' Farkle smiled. 'Thank you.' Riley raised one of her eyebrows. 'You're not going to give me a speech about how your relationship is or isn't scientifically perfect?' 'No, I'm not. Nothing has to be perfect. She's perfect just the way she is, even though she has flaws. Everyone has those. The thing is, you have to look past them or make them the thing you love about someone. And besides, even though I know being in love is just a series chemical reactions in your body, I try not to think about that. Not when I'm with her.' When he finished his sentence, Lucas entered the kitchen. 'Hi', he said to his friends. 'Hello', Riley said - or tried to say. She wanted to say 'hi' and 'hello', but ended up saying something that sounded like 'hillo'. Lucas smiled at them. Aren't Zay, Maya and Josh up yet? And how about Vanessa?' he asked as he was looking around the room. 'Zay is on a sunbed in the backyard enjoying the nice weather and Maya and Josh are indeed not up yet. And I think Vanessa went for a walk.' Lucas then asked: 'Well, should I wake them?' He shared a room with Farkle and Josh shared a room with Zay. 'No, it's fine. Let them sleep for a while. They probably need the rest after the long flight from yesterday. And besides, breakfast isn't ready yet', Riley answered. Lucas approached her. 'Can I give you a hand with something?' Riley shot him a smile. 'Sure.' And the three of them - Riley, Lucas and Farkle - continued preparing the food. No one noticed Riley had started blushing the moment Lucas entered the room. Maybe it was for the best that only Maya knew about her crush, she thought. For now, at least. Riley reached for an egg at the same time Lucas did. Her cheeks turned even redder, but after a while she forgot all about it. She was ready to have a good time with her friends. They laughed while making pancakes(Vanessa had made sure there were enough supplies before they had even arrived) and in the meantime, the rest of the group gathered in the living room. They were ready to begin their first day on Hawaii with a nice breakfast and then make plans about what they were going to do.

*They are on Kauai, an island of the Hawaii archipelago.

Thanks for reading everyone! It was kind of a boring chapter, I'm sorry for that. I will try to update tomorrow. Then you'll find out what happens next on what seems to be an ordinary holiday, but isn't.

And the people who voted on the previous chapters of Girls Meets Hawaii: Thank you so much. It means a lot to me! I know have over 500 views, which makes me really happy :) So thank you!


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