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Sara leaps up from the ground outside and slams into the other side of the door.

"NO!" She yells; desperation clouding her eyes, "NO!"

Snart sighs angrily from beside me looking back at her through the fogging glass.

"At least we know the bulkhead doors work."

"But you're on the wrong side of them!" She snarls glaring at me and Snart.

I honestly am too tired to care anymore. I tried to get them both out but my powers were only strong enough to get Sara out before the bloody door shut.

"We'll be fine, Sara," I say tiredly, "Besides now we can have a couple bonding moment."

Snart glares at me.

"Just saying," I mutter as Ray and Kendra come racing down the hallway.

"What happened?" Ray asks quickly.

"What does it look like happened?" Snart growls back.

Ray shuts his mouth hastily and turns to Sara.

A muscle twitches under her eye as she stares him down.

"We tried to fix the hole, failed and the door shut," she snaps, "Can you open the door?"

"Preferably sooner rather than later!" Snart calls through the door.

Cold air creeps through my jacket and I shiver. Snart notices and steps closer towards me.

"Normally I enjoy the cold but-"

"Gideon open the door!" Kendra interrupts.

"I cannot. The bulkhead will remain shut until the breach is sealed."

"Wonderful," I hiss.

My breath fogs in the air and I subconsciously grip my arms tighter around myself.

"Hang tight, guys," Ray says quickly, "I'll got get my ATOM suit and fix the breach."

He scurries off and Kendra follows after him calling for him to wait.

Sara stands beside the door peering in on us.

"G-go," I mutter as the cold begins to seep into my bones, "G-go he-help."

She shakes her head.

"I'm not leaving."

"Suit yourself," Snart says sitting down away from the door.

I turn back to Sara and glare at her.

"We. Will. Be. Fine. G-go help Kendra and R-r-raymond," I say my voice wavering slightly.

She bites her lip and unfolds her arms from her chest.


"N-no," I say, "G-go."

Sending me one last look she bolts off in pursuit of the pair.

Sighing I turn back to Snart. He has his arms folded tightly over his chest and his breath fogs the air around him as he glances up at me.

"You going to just stand there and look pretty or sit down?" He asks nodding the floor beside him.

I send him an irritated look but carefully sit on the freezing floor.

"D-did y-you make a will b-b-before you came on this idiotic trip?" I question with a small smirk.

He laughs and tucks his knees up against him.

Legends In Love {Legends of Tomorrow}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora