Hello Not Time Lords

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Getting gassed sucks. It's a choking, panic and fear driven experience.

Because first, there's the panic when the gas starts, then there's the terror when you try to block out the gas with clothing or just covering your mouth with your hands. And to add to your stress there's the high pitched squealing noise of the vent releasing the gas screaming its high pitched wail in your ears. Some people might think that's the worst part.

It's not.

The worst part is when you finally run out of air and have to take a deep breath of the fumes.

When your body realizes it's not air, you start to panic and hyperventilate. Your eyes are burning, you're gasping for air that doesn't exist and suddenly all you see is the mist around you.

There's no escape.

So you pray you fall unconscious.

And eventually, after seconds that seem like hours, you pass out.

Then when you wake up, your head is pounding, nothing makes sense and disorientation floods your system. It makes you excellent prey for whoever kidnapped you because you're utterly defenseless and confused.

Which is exactly what happened to me. But when I wake up, instead of jerking upright, screaming for Advil (like I want to), I lay still trying to get my bearings.

My vision slowly clears to reveal the very same cell I was in when they gassed me. Now that's odd. What's the point of gassing us, if we're not going anywhere? It's not like we coulda got out of our cells and hijacked the ship.

A low murmur of voices echo from outside the door of our jail. I instantly close my eyes, feigning unconsciousness.

The door slides open.

"-half the team, you say?" An unfamiliar man says.

"They also managed to kill the Pilgrim," a younger voice says.

A small surge of pride for the rest of the Legends blossoms in my chest and I can hardly keep myself from smiling.

"An unfortunate yet not unforeseen loss," the first voice states indifferently.

Not unforeseen? What the crap does that mean?

I open my eyes a crack to see two pairs of boots slowly pace past my cell.

"Sir! Though not unforeseen should we have not tried to have stopped her death?" The younger voice cracks. "She-she was our best assassin."

Apparently the Pilgrim has a fan base.

I glance up at the younger voice and nearly gasp.

He's got a jawline that Jesse Eisenberg would be proud of and the most vibrant green eyes I've ever seen. His skin is pale and his blonde hair shows signs of being severely parted then ruffled in frustration.

A sigh breaks the silence and is followed by the steady tap of the older man's foot on the metal floor. His impatience is audible.

"Ja'el," the man begins slowly.
"You are my brightest student. But you must put behind you any memory of The Pilgrim. She was merely a pawn in this game."

"Sir, I understand but-"

"This matter is closed," The older man says sharply. "Leave it be Ja'el. Put away your childish whims."

"Sir I-"

"ENOUGH," the older man says, his voice cold, "There is no discussing this!"

Ja'el finally has the sense to shut his fat mouth.

The older man sighs and moves to place his hand on the younger man's shoulder but thinks better of it and steps back.

"There is no space for sentiment here." The older man's grey eyes narrow. "I must go on ahead however you will be in charge of escorting our guests to the Time Council."

Ja'el nods sharply and moves to the back of the ship. He barks orders to half a dozen unseen guards and they tread up the ramp, boots clicking in unison.

The elder man glances at Ja'el and receives an indifferent look in reply. Then he turns and is gone.

Ja'el moves away from the door, his heartbreak is evident. His shoulders slump from their ridged posture. His eyes are dull and empty.

"Take them away," he whispers and steps back into the shadows.

I glance to the cell beside me and notice Snart watching Ja'el, calculations in his eyes. He notices me and smirks.

I raise an eyebrow.

Because I know that look.

It means trouble.

I'M NOT DEAD! HAHA! I am struggling to write but am still here!! I'm sorry if this chapter is rubbish...I'm hoping I'll do better in coming chapters! And I'M SO FRICKING SORRY WITH HOW SPORADIC THE UPDATES ARE!


Literally I have listened to the CD for The Muppets Christmas Carol like 10 times...this week..JK! Last week 😂 

Anyone else seen Fantastic Beasts?
Answer in the comments!!!! I'm excited to fangirl with people!

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