The Entrance of Someone New

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Curse my forgiving nature.

Stupid Snart took advantage of it and got me all distracted.

When the kiss ended, I did the only responsible thing to do.

I punched him.

"What was that for?" Snart gripes irritably as he rubs his sore arm.

"Getting me to forgive you so easily," I reply coolly.

"I blame my charm and good looks."

"What good looks?"

"So you're still saying I have charm?"

There's a very hesitant pause.

"Shut up."

Snart chuckles and leans up against my bunk, his arms crossed over his chest.

I sense him staring at me and glare up at him.

"What?" I say slowly.

"You're hair, I just noticed," he leans down and looks closer at it, "It's shorter than it was."

My eyes narrow.

"Savage cut off about a foot in Regal City yet you only notice now?"

Snart shrugs.

"I got busy."

"Really? With a building collapsing on us, a kidnapping engineered by your best friend, who was actually a villain trying to kill us, and a short break up, that we seem to have every two days, you didn't notice my hair?"

Snart's smirk widens.

"Like I said, busy week."

Rolling my eyes, I stand up from my sitting position.

"I really don't care," I say casually, "Hair isn't that big of a deal to me. Unless Savage shaved it, then we would have a bigger problem."

"Bigger problem then him taking over and enslaving the entire world?" Snart asks sarcastically.

Turning to face him, I nod.

"Oh definitely."


"So we're supposed to trust you know because you beat in Leonard's face?" I hear Sara ask Mick as Snart and I walk into the main deck.

"I don't care who you trust, blondie," Mick mutters back, "It's not my problem."

Sara leans towards him, her eyes narrowed.

"Here's the catch, you are the problem."

Mick glares back at her.

"Trust me, Sara, I'm the last thing you're going to have to worry about," he says darkly.

"And what do you mean by that?" Rip interrupts.

His voice surprises me and I turn to see him sitting on the stair leading to his office. Slowly, he gets to his feet and strides purposely towards Mick.

"I mean," Mick says shifting his eyes to meet Rip's, "That the Time Masters are sending someone worse than me after you."

Kendra snorts from her spot beside Sara and Mick turns to face her. She glances around at us, a small smile on her lips.

"The Time Masters have tried their hardest to break us," She states before adding skeptically, "What else can the they do to us?"

"I am in agreement with Miss Saunders," Stein adds vehemently, "We have defeated Chronos and brought you back onto our side Mr. Rory. Is that not enough proof of our mettle?"

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