The Revenge of Boba Fett

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"Bloody hell," I mutter sitting abruptly up my head aching.

A clicking noise distracts me and glance down at my hands. Groaning, I stare down at the metal cuff linked around my wrists. My eyes follow to where it's chained and I groan again. It's attached to a metal pole which is welded to the floor.

"Wonderful, just what I needed," I growl under my breath glancing around.

The room is dark but vaguely similar.

It's like the WaveRider.

My eyes narrow as I continue to observe it. A long curved circuit board, covered with multicolored flashing buttons, takes up the center of the room. Long tubes line the walls and occasionally belch white smoke into the air before dissipating into nothingness.

So this is like a mini WaveRider.

Well a mini, Sith imperial shuttle style, WaveRider.

I glance beside me and tense. An unconscious Lenny is sitting next to me his head resting on his handcuffed arms.

Thank Odin, he's breathing.

We're both sitting on a step of some kind and chained to opposite ends of the stairs.

I crane my neck trying to peer down it and see a long hallway stretching a good twelve feet long towards a silver paneled door. Suddenly the corners of the door hiss and smoke exits the base and sides of the door as it slowly begins to open.

I jerk myself back into the position I was originally in. My head resting on my fettered arms.

Huge stomping foot steps echo through the ship and I close my eyes, feigning unconsciousness.

The floor shudders as Mr. Stompity Mc. Stomp Stomp sees how many dents he can put into the metal floor as he pounds his way into the room. The feet stop beside me and warm fingers are jabbed into the side of my neck. I tense slightly but force my muscles to relax as he finds my pulse.

The hand pulls away and I let out a small sigh of relief.

The small sigh turns into a cry of pain when the hand suddenly jerks back and slaps me directly across the face. My eyes snap open and I fly backwards trying to escape the next blow.

Lenny jerks awake at my cry, his handcuffs jangling as he strains fruitlessly in his fetters trying to pull free.

"What the he-"

Chronos laughs darkly at us and rises from his crouched position.

"You were always a terrible actress, Jones," he growls standing straight and walking towards the control panel.

"DON'T. TOUCH. ME. AGAIN," I snarl pulling at my own cuffs, "Who are you anyway?"

He can't be who I think he is.

The man chuckles but ignores my query.

"Look buddy," Snart drawls attempting to hide his nervousness behind cockiness, "If you're going to kill us we deserve to know why."

"You don't deserve anything you lying son of a-"

"Language!" I snap interrupting our kidnapper.

Chronos glowers at me before stalking back over and yanking me up my my hair.

I yelp in pain, my eyes watering as I feel several hairs part company with my scalp.

"LET HER GO!" Snart yells angrily pulling at his cuffs.

Chronos laughs.

"Whatever you say, boss."

He lets me go and my side lands painfully on the stair I had been sitting on. Gasping in pain I stare with eyes full of loathing up at the man.


Chronos laughs again before slamming his foot into my ribcage. Pain flares within me and I gasp for air.

Snart yells in fury, a nice long list of colorful words spewing from his mouth directed towards my oppressor. Chronos merely laughs and kicks me again in the sternum. Stars flicker before my eyes as I struggle to breathe and black dots swim in my vision.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" Snart bellows.

Chronos turns from digging his foot into my ribs and removes his foot from my chest. I let out a tiny moan as he turns towards Lenny.

"I said," Snart says in a voice shaking with fury, "Leave. Her. Alone."

Snart stares defiantly up at the man, daring flickering in his blue irises.

"Why?" Chronos asks, "Why should I listen to you, Snart. All the decisions you've made have gone from bad to worse."

Snart's eyes cloud with confusion as Chronos reaches his hands up to the side of his head. The mask lifts free and I can see Snart's face drain of color.

"Mick?" he whispers staring in horror up at his friend.

Mick laughs tossing the helmet down at Snart's feet.

"I've been trying to find you for so long, Snart," Mick growls leaning down towards Snart's level, "And wouldn't you know it? I got lucky."

He points a gloved finger at me.

"I got her too."

Mick's smile widens, revealing crooked white teeth.

"Now I can torture and kill you."


Just so y'all know I'm planning on doing ANOTHER Snart fanfiction after this one ends!!!! Let me know in the comments if your interested!!!!!


Oh yeah the pic at the top is of a painting I bought today...the signature sadly is not Benedict Cumberbatch's but hey I got it for $3 so whatevs hahaha.

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