It's a trap!

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AN- Look at this line up people! This looks great!

If you've ever seen a cowboy movie, you know that they all share one stereotypical plot device.

The stand off.

Sometime during the movie the good guy pisses off the bad guy who then challenges the hero to a standoff at high noon in the town square.

Two minutes to noon, there's a camera zoom in on the eyes of both opposing parties, the sounds of knuckles cracking as the pair's fingers dance in the air over their guns, and of course the huge clock that hangs in the town square slowly but loudly ticking away the time. 

Everyone waits, nervous anticipation tearing through the stomach of the movie watcher as they stuff their face with popcorn, missing the several pieces that bounce right off of their chomping jaws and into the depths of the couch.

A loud dong from the clock. The signal for the battle to begin.

Well, that's exactly how I expect things to go with the Pilgrim.

We've (I've) already pissed her off and now we're all meeting her at an abandoned Time Master outpost.

The stand off is coming.

The WaveRider lands without the usual crippling halt that leaves everyone gasping in their seats for five minutes. Slowly, everyone releases their head rests and we all look to Rip.

Even though none of us will admit to it, we all have some (begrudging) respect for our rogue Time Master. We all trust him. Some more than others but the fact remains. And because of that we look to him as our leader.

Rip takes a deep breath as he stands, careful to not let his coat get caught in his seat.

"Here's the plan," he says.

   * * * * * * * *
This place could literally not be more perfect for a fight. It's empty, apart from us, so no collateral damage. The floor is nice and shiny which means it would be a heck of a lot of fun to destroy.

The Pilgrim is waiting for us when we arrive. She has all her hostages all lined up beside her. Each one has glowing blue lasers seemingly strung around their wrists.

Jax's father is obviously frightened, and furious at not being able to understand what is going on. But he's keeping his mouth shut in a firm line, his eyes staring straight ahead. His trembling hands give him away.

Lisa Snart merely looks pissed off. Her hair is stuck to her face due to her duct tape gag. Her eyes are lit with a furious fire that rages at the Pilgrim.

But on the exact opposite side of the spectrum, there's Ronnie, who has tear stains all down her face. Her eyes are swimming with more crystalline drops and she's shaking violently.

I can practically hear Ray's heart breaking at the sight.

After sending him a quick look, I let my gaze fall onto my mother.

She's standing tall, drawing her strength from Jax's father on her right and Lisa's defiance on her left. But she's got a little something of her own too.


She's not scared of death.

I'm not saying she's not scared by the possible ways of death that I'm sure the Pilgrim would love to cook up in her depraved mind. But I'm saying that my mum, isn't scared of death itself.

It's written across her face. She isn't hiding it. My mum can't hide anything.

She knows where she's going and she's ready.

A sudden chill goes through me at that thought. When it's my time to go, will I be ready? Will I accept it? Or will I fight?

The silence that stretches between us and the Pilgrim is excruciating. I can hear Ray tapping his foot against the floor, Kendra's quick breaths, even Jax's slow sigh. Finally, the witch speaks.

"Give me them, Traitor," Pilgrim snarls, "And I will give you their family members back."

Rip's eyes narrow as he steps forward.

"No," he says slowly. "Our people will walk forwards and yours do the same. We'll meet in the middle."

The Pilgrim tilts her head to the side, her dark hair shifting on her shoulder. Her eyes are cold.

"Fine," she says slowly. She glances at her people and slowly nods her head. "Move."

Slowly the line of hostages moves closer, shuffling along the floor. Their eyes flick this way and that, unsure if what's going to happen next.

Us, Legends slowly begin to surround them and cut them off from the Pilgrim.

Ray, Jax, Snart and I stand firm glaring at the Pilgrim while Kendra and Stein start to move the hostages away.

That's when all crap breaks loose.

First, Snart whips out his cold gun and fires a stream of ice towards The Pilgrim.

There's a muffled cheer from who I can only guess is his sister in the back.

"FORMATION B EVERYONE!" Rip screams as the Pilgrim pulls out a gun if her own.

Snart and I get together and, as a pair, begin to attack the Pilgrim. Snart's the fire power and I'm providing the shield. Every shot the Pilgrim lets off at us is stopped by me. Lasers are suspended lazily in the air before exploding into shards of energy.

Snart and I work together as a pair seamlessly. He fires his gun and I roll across his back and stop the oncoming energy blasts. We drop to the ground and roll as the frozen lasers explode. Then we change direction and  allow a new fighter to join us.

"TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!" I roar at Ray who's finally got his suit on.

"MY THRUSTERS GOT STUCK!" He snaps back as he soars out of the way of a stray laser.

The Pilgrim laughs and holds up a new device in her free hand, smirking slightly.

That's when it hits me.

She was expecting this.

She smirks and aims it at Jax, who's to busy trying to stay out of the way, to notice her.


I'm too late.

An ivory beam shoots out and surrounds him in a glowing orb before snapping loudly and vanishing.

"NO!" I shriek.

I race towards the Pilgrim fully prepared to tear her limb from limb till she brings him back. However Snart drags me back, pulling me behind him.

"Quit trying to be-"

Another white flash appears and I close my eyes. Snart's grip on my arm vanishes. There's a loud noise. Then he's gone too.

Something hard slams me into the ground and stars dance in front of my eyes. I blink upwards just in time to see Ray attempting to shrink his suit. But the white light gets him too.

Groaning, I sit up to face the Pilgrim who's stalking towards me.

The Pilgrim lifts her left hand again, still holding the device.

I raise my hand parallel to hers.

The device twitches in her hands.

She swears and strains to push the button.

"KARI!" Kendra screams.

My concentration breaks and the white light soars towards me. It immediately surrounds me, restricting my movement completely.

Then everything goes white.

Another AN-
God be with our country today, Americans. Whatever happens today is in His hands. Remember guys, God is sovereign. He's above all and He's got a plan. We just have to trust that He knows what He's doing. No matter what happens today, He's watching over us. Remember that.

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