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"I thought they said 'take a right at the exit sign'!"

"No they said to take a right at the fourth water fountain then a left at the exit sign," Sara replies in an undertone.

I pull at my short nurse's uniform. This skirt is literally riding up my rear. I shift uncomfortably for the fifth time in two minutes and Sara snaps at me.

"Quit jerking around! You look fine."

"Oh yes I was more worried about looking great than having my skirt wedged up my arse," I snarl back, "It's wonderful to know my legs look marvelous as I limp with my wedgie down the hallway!"

Sara ducks her head as a doctor walks down the hallway opposite us.

"Shut up, Jones," she mutters but I can see a small smile twitching at her lips.

I snap my mouth shut and work on pulling my skirt down for the umpteenth time. Who's the arsehole who thought it would be a great idea to make the nurse uniforms barely two inches past one's backside and out of sandpaper?

"Here we go," Sara mutters upon reaching a hallway full of glass windows.

I peek through it searching for miniature Snart.

"We're never gonna find him in here," I mutter as my eyes pass over the dozens of sleeping babies.

"Look for the one with horns," she replies dryly as she pulls open the door leading to the room.

I snort and follow her inside.

The room is warm and cozy which is probably stifling to the infants who are wrapped tightly in their blankets. They look like human burritos in pink and blue covers. One peeks up at me through bright blue eyes and stretches out a tiny hand.

My heart melts and I reach my own finger out to let it curl its fingers around my index. It's tiny nails dig into my finger making me wince slightly but I smile down at the baby.

"Hello little baby," I coo as I peer at its little name tag. I wrinkle my eyebrows at the name and laugh slightly.

"Welcome to earth, Wentworth."

"Jones, get over here," Sara calls from a bassinet row behind me.

"Coming," I reply as I gently peel baby Wentworth's fingers away from my hand and walk to her side.

He watches me through big eyes before yawning widely, revealing an empty, toothless mouth. I want to melt right there as he smacks his little lips twice before closing his eyes and falling back asleep. He apparently had enough adventure for one day.

"Look at these big cheeks," Sara chuckles as she gently touches Baby Snart's face.

"Aww," I grin as I scoop up the infant.

He watches me through reproachful blue eyes. Little hands peek out from his dark navy blanket and he gently drums his tiny fingers along it as if to say "Hurry up now! We don't have all day, you know!"

"He's so much better when he can't talk," I say tiredly.

Sara nods in agreement.

"Very true, now let's get out of here."

I start to follow her out but stop.

"Wait!" I say quickly.

"What now?" She mutters irritably, "The Pilgrim could be here any minute!"

"Hang on," I mutter as I stick my tongue out of the corner of my mouth.

Reaching into my top pocket, my fingers search for the paper I had placed there earlier.

Baby Snart glares up at me.

"I know, I know," I say, "I'm hurrying."

I drop the card into Snart's vacated bassinet and walk briskly from the room.

"Oh you decided to come today? You didn't want to wait till tomorrow?" Sara says testily.

I roll my eyes and shift the baby in my arms.

"We wanted to leave The Pilgrim a little present for her failed efforts."

I glance down at Snart and he sends me a glare as if to say "Who's we? You were the one wasting time!"

"Fine," I huff, "I wanted to."

Little Snart sends me a less haughty look and moves his head.

Is he nodding his approval? Odin's beard, I am reading way too much into this.

"What did you leave her?" Sara asks as we exit the hospital.

"A note," I grin back as we walk towards the WaveRider that is carefully hidden as a blue telephone box.

"That says?" Sara prods.

"Missed me!" I reply happily as Snart gurgles in my arms.

"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely,  whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things."
Philippians 4:8

Just wanted to put this in as a reminder. Be careful, everyone. There's a lot of crap out there in the world that we allow ourselves to see and watch. We just accept it now cause our society accepts it. It may not be right but we just go with it.

That's not right.

It's screwed up is what it is. Morality is a joke nowadays. Morals are laughed at. Choosing to wait to have sex until after marriage is practically a myth to people. Not swearing is "dumb". Believing in a religion is stupid.

If you're a Christian, you're under attack. You might not see it but it's true. We're stuck in a spiritual battle. A battle for our souls. We can choose to pollute them with the lies of society or choose to put a target on our backs and stand for what we believe in.

The choice is yours.

Think about what you read, watch, write, listen to, everything that you meet during the day. Is it pure? Lovely? Virtuous? I know I've been more sensitive to things lately. I honestly think it's God pulling at my heart to let go of stuff.

Sorry if this seems like a rant. I just wanted to share what's been a burden on my heart lately.


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