Fighting a Witch

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"Mr. Palmer's vitals have dropped another twelve percent, Captain," Gideon's voice calls.

Rip swears from his seat as he pulls the time ship to a stop.

My ribcage slams into the metal bar designed for my safety and I groan.

"I'm okay," I mutter, "Didn't need those organs anyway."

Sara snorts from beside me.

"Shut up ya wuss," she laughs, "Woman up."

I glance at her and raise an eyebrow as the bar releases its death hold on me.

"Woman up isn't a thing," I say slowly.

"I just made it a thing," Sara says mirroring my raised eyebrow.

"Mr. Palmer's condition is deteriorating quickly!" Gideon warns, bringing everyone back to the present threat.

Rip's eyes fasten on Sara and I and he points at the pair of us.

"Miss Lance and Miss Jones, Mr. Palmer's wellbeing is in your hands," he says quickly hitting a button to release the hatch, "Godspeed."

"Thanks Rip," Sara mutters as she runs from the room.

I race after her muttering,

"Yeah no pressure at all."


We leapt into the room where Gideon said Ray would be just in time to see him thrown into a wall.

"Crap," I mutter as I race to his side.

Sara leaps towards the Pilgrim and immediately they begin to fight. Punches are thrown but few land. Both women are clawing, punching and screaming at each other.

"What's going on?" Ray mumbles hazily, trying to sit up. He cries out in pain and slides back down to the floor clutching his abdomen. A small bloody wound has made itself apparent through the scarlet stain slowly coating his sweater.

"It's complicated," I reply as Sara yells in pain.

I glance up in time to see she too getting thrown into a wall and wince as she slides unmoving to the floor.

The Pilgrim gently wipes the corner of her mouth with a pale hand. A small drop of blood coats her finger and a vicious smile appears on her lips.

I move to guard Ray and raise my hands to stop her.

She cackles and pulls out a device.

"Oh my Odin it's a button!" I yell taking her by surprise, "MY WORST FEAR!"

Her dark eyes narrow.

"Sarcasm will not save you, Jones," she snaps darkly.

"What is this sarcasm that you speak of?" I ask in a clueless voice, "I speak only my native tongue, you ugly witch."

"You are pathetic," The Pilgrim spits upon taking a step closer, "All of you. Even your captain. The acclaimed Rip Hunter is a joke," she hisses as she directs her flashy toy my direction.

Anger floods my system as I raise a hand to throw her backwards. But my hand freezes in midair. My powers are stuck. I cannot move and am stuck watching in horror as the Pilgrim steps closer.

Curse that frigging daughter of a motherless goat.

"Nothing will stop me from completing my mission," she sneers, as her dark eyes shine with triumph, "Especially not a worthless child such as yourself!"

Sara it would be marvelous if you would wake up now! PLEASE wake up now! I mentally beg.

"Oh shut up already," a new voice says.

The Pilgrim's head shots up towards the sound but it's too late. A blue beam cuts through the air and slams directly into her chest sending her flying backwards.

"It works!" Ray mumbles happily before his head falls to the floorboards with a soft thud.

The force stopping me from moving disappears and I drop my tired arms in relief. Then I turn quickly around to face this new person.

Who I see, makes my jaw drop.

The pic has absolutely nothing to do with the story. Also it is Thursday night. Haha in 1 hour and 13 minutes I will be 16! Happy bday to me!

Stay Awesome!


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