Distractions, My Specialty

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My kind of gingerbread house ^
Made this w/ one of my good friends in my baking class!

The guards slowly crowd the inside of the ship, bypassing Ja'el entirely.  He gets bumped back and winces slightly when a heavy guard pushes him accidently into a wall.

Snart catches my eye and mouths "Distract" through the glass as the guards approach our cells.

One particularly heavy set guard steps up in front of mine. As he begins putting in a code for my cell door he shouts for me to get off my arse.

I ignore him.

The door opens slowly and the guard shifts his gun in his hands obviously trying to get my attention.

I turn away.

"I don't feel like it, Bub."

"I hope you're aware that we don't have to keep you all alive," The guard snarls back.

I raise my nose in the air and sniff.

"And I hope you're aware that I ain't moving."

With a snarl, the guard reaches down to grab my arm. His beefy fingers wrap around my bicep, dragging me to my feet.

Which is, unfortunately for him, the last thing he'll ever do.

Because the moment he touches me, I unleash my powers on him.

The man's fingers fly right off of my  arm as he goes soaring into the wall outside my cell.

He hits with a sickening crunch and slides immobile to the floor. His neck is twisted in an awkward way, and a trickle of blood gently sliding from his mouth.

The room goes dead (hehe see what I did there?) quiet as all heads turn towards me.

Grinning, I straighten up and glance at Ja'el.

His eyes are scared, but slowly the fear begins to morph into determination.

"Sorry 'bout him!" I say as I step out of my cell, narrowly avoiding the sickening new red splotch in the floor that's slowly beginning to spread.

"He was bothering me."

Ja'el's eyes are cold as he nods his head at the guards. Immediately the clickity clack of five guns fill the air.

I raise my eyebrows.

"That a good enough distraction, Babe?"

The skin between Ja'el's eyes creases in confusion.

That's when Snart throws his shoulder into the nearest guard. With a sharp cry, the guard falls to his knees accidentally firing his gun.

Right at my face.

"Lenny, next time knock the guard out before letting him fire a bullet at me," I snap irritably, brushing the immobile bullet out of the way with my telekinesis.

"Don't call me, Babe," he retorts as he slams his cuffed hands into the chest of another guard.

"Point taken," I mutter.

Panic ensues as Ray and Jax catch onto what's going on and manage to take out a few guards on their own.

One rushes at me but is easily shifted aside with a quick push of my powers. He flies into a vacant cell, landing with a painful thud. He scrambles to his feet only to be met by a glass door. Roaring angrily, he pounds at the glass while I mock him on the other side.

"What? What was that? You didn't want to be locked in there?" I ask sarcastically. My eyes darken. "No one likes a cage, you idiot." I press the gas button on the outside and the little cell is flooded.

Leaving the guard to choke in the foul mist, I look for my next victim.

A smile tugs on my lips as my eyes find one.

Ja'el is screaming into his communicator by the time I get to him.


My fist collides with his wrist and he cries out in pain as the metal communicator snaps. Its worthless pieces clatter to the ground.

He clutches his hurt arm to his chest, his eyes wide but full of fury.

"You and your friends will surrender to me," he whispers calmly.

I snort and put my hands on my hips.

The shattered pieces of his communicator rise slowly in air before jabbing violently into his legs.

A roar escapes the man as blood begins to flow. He kneels down, frantically ripping out the fragments.

Raising an eyebrow, I glance over at my compadres who have successfully rendered all our guards unconscious.

"Sure we will," I scoff, turning back around to face him. My lips purse in a false frown. "Remind me again, why we'll be doing tha-"

I stop.

His green eyes are staring directly into mine. His bright, beautiful green eyes.


I don't even glance at Snart. He's just a distraction. A bad one at that. A criminal. Why would I care about him?

The green eyes are so inviting. I can't look away.

The man's lips start to move. They're enchanting.

Don't listen to them. They're no one. You obey me.

"Kari, what are you doing?" Someone asks.

He's unimportant. He's pointless. His only purpose is to get you away from me. Do you want that?

Shame burns within me before fading into anger.  I hold up a hand behind me, thrusting my powers towards the speaker.

A surprised cry echoes behind me followed by a painful thud.

The green eyes warm.


My heart leaps to my throat. Joy floods my chest, warming my whole inner being.

"Princess, snap out of this!"

The eyes burn with rage that suddenly becomes my own.

My hands are shaking as they raise. Bodies, weapons, every object not held down in the ship, rises off the ground.


Kill them.

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