Throwback Whatever Today Is

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The dark silhouette of the hill sat peacefully overlooking a small ravine. The cold night air washed over the lone person on the ridge. The person in question had blonde hair that stuck up in points and sat with his arms wrapped around his long legs. His face was pink and his bright eyes illuminated in the light.

The light? Oh yeah forgot to mention where the light came from didn't I?

The light came from a house on fire in the ravine.

Fire licked at the windows and flew through the building sending its smoky tendrils towards the night sky. The roof of the building fell through with a crash and a bellow of fire blossomed upwards, blazing the sky with red light.

It sounds like the beginning of a cruddy horror flick right? Or an even worse tragic love story that ends with one of the main characters dying and your favorite side character, that's secretly been a villain all along, dying too for no reason. Sorry rabbit trail, so anyway, why are we here witnessing Mick Rory's murderous origin story?

"Because, Miss Jones, Mr. Rory is the most wanted person in the time stream!" Rip bellows angrily.

"And I said all that out loud," I mutter, glancing up from the console where the video feed of the burning house is playing out.

"Nah," Sara says casually, resting down beside me on the edge of the console.

She smirks.

"Just most of it."

I groan slightly and move my aching elbows that had been digging into the edge of the control panel. Red lines mark the undersides of my elbow as I sit up.

"I thought everyone hated you the most," Snart comments casually, "Not Mick."

Rip turns to glare at him.

"Everyone, being the Time Masters," Snart adds with a smirk.

Rip rolls his eyes but nods slightly in agreement.

"Yes, I am their primary target however my younger self is much more protected than your selves," Rip states dryly.

"So if your out of their grasp then their next target is Mick?" Kendra asks slowly.

"Yes," Rip replies as he crosses his arms across his chest.

"What if that's wrong?" Jax butts in, "What if this Pilgrim person is actually going after Grey?"

"Well then we'll know where to go next," Rip says with a faint smile.

"After we screw him over," Jax mutters.

Rip decides to ignore him and turns to Mick.

"Mr. Rory you should probably not accompany us-"

"Oh I'm going, Rip," Mick says sounding edgy, "I'm not trusting your group of idiots to save my skin after how great they did with saving Carter."

Kendra makes a small noise and the rest of the crew shoot him dark looks.

"Hey Mick," I comment irritably, "If I'm remembering right, you didn't help save Carter either. So I suggest keeping your mouthful of crap to yourself."

"I do what I-"

"Hey Rip," Ray asks in a slightly worried tone, "Uh is there supposed to be anyone else on that hill aside from Mick?"

"No," Rip says his eyes starting to widen.

"Nice knowing you, Mick," I say grinning at the bald man.

He flicks me off and sends me an ugly glare as he starts storming off towards the opening hatch.

"I'd prefer if you didn't piss off my partner," Snart says in my ear as he breezed past after Mick.

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